Tourism not expected to bounce back until 2026 – Thai government

Photo by analogicus from Pixabay

Grim news for tourist-dependent areas such as Phuket as the government has cautioned it could be another half decade before the tourist industry is fully revitalised.

2 years ago, prior to the pandemic, tourism comprised around 21% of Thailand’s GDP, taking in 1.8 trillion baht in revenue. However, the National Economic and Social Development Council predicts Thailand won’t see similar numbers for 5 more years… a jump of 3 years from what experts predicted it would take the tourist sector to recover. In between now and 2026, it is expected that 7 million workers will continue to be affected.


This news comes in the midst of Thailand vacillating between decisions to ease restrictions, reopening, and prolonging the lockdown and restrictions; a precarious situation since Thailand closed its borders to most of the world from back in late March 2020.

As the country continues to battle the worst wave of Covid-19 it has seen yet, Phuket locals remain optimistic that it can still reopen in July, followed by other “sandbox projects”, and see some of the travellers return to their island.

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SOURCE: Bangkok Post

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Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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