324 schools open in Lampang

Today, 324 schools across 13 districts in Lampang, a northern Thai province, opened their doors for the first semester in the “New Normal” system.
At one Lampang school, Boonwart Wittayalai, students are set to alternate the days they go to school with, presumably, days they don’t go to school and learn online. Before entering a classroom, students must wash their hands with alcohol gel. One gate is open so students can be temperature checked. Students must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Everyone is to wear masks.
In just under 2 weeks, all of the 324 schools in the province should be open.
The province has reported no new infections in the past 5 days.
The Thaiger reported last month on Lampang’s commendable vaccine registration numbers, which were second only to Bangkok, in a province of just 740,000 people.
SOURCE: Thai Residents