

The Thaiger is Thailand's largest online portal for news, videos and information.
  • Sports NewsGermany win in wet Skopje to secure 2022 World Cup spot

    Germany win in wet Skopje to secure 2022 World Cup spot

    Thanks to a big win over North Macedonia, Germany have qualified for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. A lot has changed since their last meeting. SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsAn inquiry exposed sexual abuse within French Catholic Church — now what?

    An inquiry exposed sexual abuse within French Catholic Church — now what?

    Editor’s note: The following article contains graphic details of sexual assault and child abuse. “The father took me to his tent and closed it,” said the victim. “He kissed me on the lips, with his tongue. It was disgusting. He caressed me. I was petrified,” the victim continued. “He taught me words I didn’t know — like masturbation and fellatio.…

  • World NewsAfricaLink On Air - 11 October 2021

    AfricaLink On Air – 11 October 2021

    News+++ Sankara trial begins in Burkina Faso+++South Africa fears COVID surge as local election campaigns start+++Rwanda’s circumcision plan to stop HIV+++Flavored ARVs in Kenya help children take HIV medication+++Sports SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsKashmir: Minority killings increase amid violent demographic tensions

    Kashmir: Minority killings increase amid violent demographic tensions

    Last week, two Hindu schoolteachers and a pharmacist in Srinagar were killed by militants who claimed their victims were right-wing Hindu nationalists implementing New Delhi’s “occupation designs” for Kashmir. Their deaths are part of a recent spate of killings, which are being blamed on an Islamist militant insurgency challenging New Delhi’s rule in the restive region. Hindus, also called “Pandits”…

  • World NewsPhilippines: What does Maria Ressa's Nobel Peace Prize mean for the rights movement?

    Philippines: What does Maria Ressa’s Nobel Peace Prize mean for the rights movement?

    The Nobel Peace Prize for Filipino journalist Maria Ressa has brought global attention to the struggle for human rights and press freedom in the Philippines. It is also the first time the prize, whose previous recipients include Mother Teresa, was awarded to a journalist. Ressa shares the award with Russian journalist, Dmitry Muratov. “The Nobel Prize upholds the sanctity of…

  • World NewsAfghanistan: What will the Taliban do without an enemy to fight?

    Afghanistan: What will the Taliban do without an enemy to fight?

    In the first half of August, Taliban forces toppled the previous, internationally backed Afghan government in a lightning offensive. This swept Taliban fighters, who had spent years “in the mountains” — an often literal euphemism for waging guerrilla warfare — into cities, towns, and regular army bases abandoned by former government forces. Now, the militant group wants to build “strong…

  • World NewsCroatian politicians deny culpability in border pushbacks

    Croatian politicians deny culpability in border pushbacks

    Standing in the Croatian parliament in front of a dozen TV cameras, Sandra Bencic asked the question of the day: “Do we want to live in a state in which lawless groups run around beating people up?” Bencic, who leads the left-wing green opposition party Mozemo (We Can), called on Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to explain what is happening at…

  • World NewsLet's talk about sex, habibi!

    Let’s talk about sex, habibi!

    Traditionally, in most Middle Eastern countries, “it” is expected to happen on the wedding night for the first time. “But for most women, this is also the first time they are naked in front of anyone and the first time they see a penis in real life,” Nour Emam, who runs Arab-English sex education courses, told DW. One doesn’t have…

  • World NewsIs Europe ready for a post-COVID migration wave?

    Is Europe ready for a post-COVID migration wave?

    For the many in Europe who have weathered the waves of the coronavirus pandemic, being in a crowd once again is a surreal feeling. As European countries emerge from the peaks of the pandemic, the masks are off and lockdowns seem to be a thing of the past. With high vaccination rates, many European Union countries are facing a brave…

  • World NewsAngela Merkel leaves lasting legacy in Israel

    Angela Merkel leaves lasting legacy in Israel

    While Germany grapples with the task of forming a new government, outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel is heading to Israel. An earlier scheduled visit had to be postponed at the last minute in August because of events in Afghanistan. Originally described by officials as “a working visit,”it now has the aura of a farewell trip. On Sunday she will meet Israel’s…

  • Sports NewsHansi Flick's effect on Germany becomes clearer with victory over Romania

    Hansi Flick’s effect on Germany becomes clearer with victory over Romania

    Germany overcame Romania with less gloss than in recent performances. Nevertheless, it is increasingly clear that Hansi Flick has changed the direction of this side. One more win will secure World Cup qualification. SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsWho is Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov?

    Who is Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov?

    It’s truly amazing that, in today’s Russia, Dmitry Muratov is still in charge of the newsroom of the independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper — and has not been killed, forced into exile or branded a “foreign agent,” as has happened to many other representatives of his craft. “With this award, we will campaign for Russian journalism, which is now subject to…

  • World NewsKoreans celebrate their language but fear foreign encroachment

    Koreans celebrate their language but fear foreign encroachment

    October 9, a national holiday to honor the Hangul, the Korean alphabet, is a red-letter day on the South Korean calendar. The holiday was established in 1970, and purists are now warning that the writing system, which will mark its 575th anniversary this year, is increasingly threatened by foreign words. The words, purists say, are being adopted as a result…

  • World NewsThe uphill battle facing Chad's new transition council

    The uphill battle facing Chad’s new transition council

    Earlier this week, Chad officially swore in its interim parliament, the so-called National Transition Council (CNT). Chad’s military junta —which emerged after the death of longtime ruler Idriss Deby Itno — named the 93-member assembly. The CNT effectively replaces the former national assembly which existed under Deby’s regime. For now, Chad is ruled by a military junta. Deby, who was…

  • World NewsWho is Maria Ressa, journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate?

    Who is Maria Ressa, journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate?

    Maria Ressa, the CEO and executive editor of Manila-based news outlet Rappler, received the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The award also makes her the first Filipino to win a Nobel Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee handed her, along with journalist and Putin critic Dmitry Muratov, the award for “efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition…

  • World NewsIndia: West Bengal state prepares for festival season amid COVID fears

    India: West Bengal state prepares for festival season amid COVID fears

    India’s federal government has warned states that the Hindu religious festival season could lead to another spike in coronavirus infections. SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsKenya: Students make smart air purifier from bamboo | Thaiger

    Kenya: Students make smart air purifier from bamboo

    A cheap solution to what is, at times, an invisible problem. Klind Air is a smart air purifier made of bamboo. It was developed by these Kenyan students. David, Caroline and Tonny want to bring the product to market. The filter can be used at home, and in cars and offices. It also monitors indoor air quality. Indoor air pollution…

  • World NewsWhen are pushbacks at the EU’s external borders illegal?

    When are pushbacks at the EU’s external borders illegal?

    Between May and September 2021, investigative journalists from several European countries filmed so-called pushbacksat five locations along the Bosnian-Croatian border. The footage documents 11 cases in which migrants were forcibly expelled from Croatia. More than 140 people are said to have been deported across the green border without authorities ever looking into whether they qualified for protection. According to human…

  • World NewsUN targets on Afghan resettlements 'doable' says EU, but without commitments

    UN targets on Afghan resettlements ‘doable’ says EU, but without commitments

    EU member states failed Thursday to commit to a United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) demand for governments to resettle 42,500 Afghans who need protection over the next 5 years. Speaking after a EU-hosted online forum, European Commissioner for Migration Ylva Johansson said the target is “doable” but that it requires EU member states to make pledges. “Countries will also take…

  • World NewsAfricalink on Air - 07 October 2021

    Africalink on Air – 07 October 2021

    South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu turns 90 +++ UN endorses world’s 1st malaria vaccine as ‘historic moment.’ What impact for Africa +++ Tanzania’s writer Abdulrazak Gurnah wins Nobel Prize for Literature +++ Nigeria’s president presents over 16 trillion Naira 2022 budget to the national assembly +++ Coups in Africa – what gains for young people? SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsAre Rwanda's dads ready for paternity leave?

    Are Rwanda’s dads ready for paternity leave?

    Compared to elsewhere in Africa, Rwanda has relatively generous maternity benefits. Women who are formally employed are entitled to full pay for 12 weeks after giving birth and if they have delivery complications, they can take an additional month off. Now a coalition of civil society organizations is pushing to extend paid parental leave to Rwanda’s men, who currently only…

  • Sports NewsSaudi Arabia and Newcastle United: Would a takeover be possible in the Bundesliga?

    Saudi Arabia and Newcastle United: Would a takeover be possible in the Bundesliga?

    After Saudi Arabia resolved a dispute with Qatari broadcaster BeIN Sports, the Kingdom is set to lead a takeover of Newcastle United. Such deals are common in England’s Premier League – but not in the German Bundesliga. SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsCape Verde boxing champ helps young men escape crime | Thaiger

    Cape Verde boxing champ helps young men escape crime

    Keeping young men out of trouble. That’s the hope of this Cape Verdean boxing champion. Walter Barros has seen many of his friends killed. He thinks sport can help young men escape a similar fate. That’s why Barros created the Believe project. Some 200 young people train here. Organizers also run a recycling and repair service and produce sport and…

  • World NewsWhy are tensions increasing between China and Taiwan?

    Why are tensions increasing between China and Taiwan?

    China’s military flew tens of fighter aircraft as many as 149 times toward Taiwan in recent days, in what is the most recent attempt at putting pressure on the self-governing island by displaying Beijing’s military might. Even though all flights were in international airspace, they prompted Taiwanese defense forces to scramble jets in response and raised fears that any miscalculation…

  • World NewsAfricalink 06.10.21 - 16 UTC - MP3-Stereo

    Africalink 06.10.21 – 16 UTC – MP3-Stereo

    Ethiopia’s PM Abiy names new cabinet +++ UN warns of ‘human catastrophe’ in Tigray +++ Amnesty report accuses Namibia of neglecting Indigenous San people SOURCE: DW News

  • World NewsHow the US invasion changed Afghanistan

    How the US invasion changed Afghanistan

    On October 7, 2001, the US invaded Afghanistan to avenge the al-Qaida-orchestrated September 11 terrorist attacks. The primary aim of the US invasion was to hunt down Osama bin Laden and punish the Taliban for providing safe haven to al-Qaida leaders. It took little effort on part of the US to dismantle the Taliban regime. Bin Laden, however, managed to…

  • World NewsCOVID: How is India vetting its vaccines for children?

    COVID: How is India vetting its vaccines for children?

    A COVID-19 vaccine developed in India will soon be available to adults and children over 12 years old. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) recently approved Zydus Cadila’s needleless, three-dose vaccine for emergency use. The shot, known as ZyCoV-D, will be the first vaccine to be administered to adolescents in India. It is also the world’s first vaccine built…

  • World NewsFacebook under fire — will lawmakers now get tough on Big Tech?

    Facebook under fire — will lawmakers now get tough on Big Tech?

    The world’s largest social media company is having a rough week. First, a cascade of technical errors brought down Facebook’s services and made it impossible for billions of users to communicate with each other. A day later, a former employee presented US lawmakers with tens of thousands of pages of internal researchthat she had copied while working at the company.…

  • World NewsWhy Cuban baseball players fled their country

    Why Cuban baseball players fled their country

    The Florida Marlins baseball stadium in Miami is located a mere 150 nautical miles (278 kilometers) from Cuba. Many young Cubans dream about playing for teams in the US top division, Major League Baseball (MLB). Baseball, after all, is Cuba’s number one national sport. A number of leading MLB players in the US today grew up playing the sport on…

  • World NewsAfricalink on Air - 05 October 2021

    Africalink on Air – 05 October 2021

    Impact of Facebook outage in Africa +++ The Gambia registers 30 presidential aspirants +++ Nigeria seeks to cash in on avocado farming SOURCE: DW News