Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief Fund in Phuket

PHUKET: The Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief Fund was started by the Rotary Club of Patong Beach, and aims to collect funds for the victims of the recent natural disaster.
The donations will be sent directly to Philippine Rotary Clubs in the affected areas over the next few days and weeks, before being allocated in the most effective way.
Already more than 80,000 baht has been raised and Phuket is welcome to join the effort. 100 per cent of donations to the Rotary Club of Patong Beach or any Rotary Club will go direct to victims in the disaster areas via local Rotary Clubs. No overhead costs, no administration fees.
Those wishing to donate money, please deposit or transfer donaions to:
Account Name: Rotary Club of Patong Beach / Charity
Account Number: 563-3-01480-7
Bank Name: Bangkok Bank Plc., Co., Ltd.
Branch Name & Bank Address: 147 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pee Road, Patong Beach, Amphur Kathu, Phuket 83150, Thailand
Wire transfer address, SWIFT code: BKKBTHBK
All donations have to be followed up with an phone call or email to the Chairman of International Projects, James de Beaujeu Domville – mobile: 089 872 9156, email:, with details of the amount and mention the donation was for the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief Fund. You may remain anonymous if you prefer.
Since the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, the Rotary Club of Patong Beach has organized many international natural disaster relief efforts and managed to collect more than US$1 million.
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