President Trump

  • World News

    Potential assassination attempt of President Trump

    Former President Donald Trump was swiftly taken off stage by Secret Service agents after apparent gunshots were fired at the former president whilst he was at a rally in Pennsylvania. Footage shows Trump reacting and ducking as sharp cracks rang out. Agents quickly surrounded him and escorted him to a waiting vehicle. Trump raised a fist as he was bundled…

  • World News

    American general defends “clandestine” phone calls with China

    The American General, Mark Milley is defending himself following a revelation in a book that he had “secret” calls with China during concerns about former President Donald Trump. The calls date back to last October and January and were meant to reassure the Chinese military, says Mark. Former President Trump says the claims were made up and Republicans have demanded…

  • Politics News

    US Ambassador to Thailand quits after Biden inaugurated

    The US Ambassador to Thailand seems to have quit after only serving less than 1 year in office and moments after President Biden’s inauguration. Michael George DeSombre, who was appointed by President Trump in early 2020, made the announcement of his departure on the embassy’s official social media platform yesterday. A day before, he met with PM Prayut to “thank…

  • Politics News

    Companies pull out from Trump brand after storming of Capitol incident

    Corporate America is adding its weight in response to the insurgency at the Capitol building on January 6, and are pulling out from any association with the Trump brand after the storming of the capitol incident which economists say will have a profound medium and long-term effect on his business interests. Recently, Signature Bank closed Trump’s personal accounts and the…

  • Thailand Election News

    US federal judge shoots down President Trump’s attempt to block Pennsylvania vote certification

    A US federal judge has shot down US President Trump’s campaign team’s attempt to block the certification of votes in the state of Pennsylvania. The judge issued the order that also refuted claims of widespread irregularities for mail-in ballots. The news comes after President Trump has refused to concede the election despite other leaders worldwide already recognising Joe Biden, a…

  • Economy News

    US cuts Thailand’s tariff benefits after long-running pork dispute

    Thailand’s duty-free privileges for US$817 million in exports with the US are to be revoked from the end of this year, according to US President Trump in an announcement yesterday. The President blamed a lack of progress in opening the Thai market to US pork products. Trump’s letter announcing the action follows more than 2 years of threats and negotiations…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Trump says he is “starting to feel good” after being hospitalised

    After being transferred to a military hospital a mere 17 hours after being diagnosed with Covid-19, US president Donald Trump says he is “starting to feel good” as the White House published pictures of him working from his hospital bed. But his recent statement is contrary to some reports that his oxygen levels had ‘dropped rapidly’ with White House officials…

  • Covid-19 News

    UPDATE: US President Trump and Melania test positive for Covid-19

    The US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for Covid-19. The President made the announcement on his Twitter account at 1am Friday, Washington time. The 74 year old President was diagnosed just hours after it became public that Hope Hicks, a Trump aide who had been travelling with him on Air Force One and Marine…

  • World News

    UPDATE: US President Trump and First Lady test positive for Covid-19

    The US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania have tested positive for Covid-19. The President made the announcement on his Twitter account in the early hours of Friday morning, US time. The 74 year old President was diagnosed just hours after it became public that Hope Hicks, a Trump aide who had been travelling with him on Air Force…

  • World News

    Only 1 out of 4 Australians trust China’s actions

    A recent survey has indeed concluded that Australians trust in China has collapsed with only 23% saying they trust the communist nation’s actions on the world stage. The number has significantly dropped by about 30% in the last two years with some pointing to the recent diplomatic stoush between the two nations. That battle has both countries sending threats over…

  • World News

    New York museum takes down Theodore Roosevelt statue

    A New York museum is reportedly taking down its Theodore Roosevelt statue due to its racist depictions. The statue shows the late president flanked by both a Native American and African man which has heated up debates on whether such historical figures need to be in plain sight especially when they are considered racist in nature. One of Roosevelt’s great-grandsons has…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO and intelligence community awaiting evidence from US President Trump about “Wuhan lab” claims

    The World Health Organisation says they’re awaiting evidence to support “speculative” claims by the US President and Secretary of State that the new coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab in Wuhan. The Five Eyes, a network involving UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada intelligence officials, say they do believe that Beijing has not necessarily been transparent about how coronavirus initially spread…

  • Economy News

    Thailand’s U-turn on agri-chemical ban shows US hitting where it hurts

    PHOTO: The US is piling the pressure on Thailand over its agri-chemical ban, and it appears to be working. A report by the Nikkei Asian Review claims the Kingdom’s proposed ban on three agri-chemicals – Paraquat, Glyphosate and Chlorpyrifos – would have affected American agricultural exports into Thailand. But the US President has weighed into the issue. Following news…

  • World News

    Trade talks resume between China and US but hopes fade

    Expectations are low as trade talks between China and the US resume today. US President Donald Trump has taken an aggressive stance with China and says he will decide the outcome of the talks. “They want to make a deal. The question is do I want to make a deal.” With $250 billion worth of Chinese imports facing an increase…

  • World News

    US and China ramp up the rhetoric and the tariffs in a day of tit-for-tat

    Beijing has unveiled a new round of retaliatory tariffs on the US valued around US$75 billion. China will now place additional tariffs of 5%-10% on US imports starting next week. The tit-for-tat trade war between the world’s two largest economies is causing widespread disruption to supply chains and long-held trade conventions. China’s Finance Ministry says they will also resume tariffs on…