1,000 Thais register to apply for jobs in Saudi Arabia

Thai and Saudi officials say labour relations between their countries are strengthening following renewed relations. Thailand’s labour minister said over 1,000 people have registered online with the Department of Employment to apply for jobs in Saudi Arabia. He claimed the final remaining step is signing a bilateral labour agreement, which is expected to occur soon. The agreement will allow Thailand to export labour to Saudi Arabia.
The department is vetting Thai job seekers’ qualifications and testing their skills, and matching them to corresponding jobs in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has meanwhile stopped banning poultry imports from Thailand, opening trade opportunities. Thailand’s labour minister said he is confident that labour exports to Saudi Arabia will begin in time.
Saudi Arabia’s deputy minister for international affairs visited Thailand on Tuesday.
Earlier this month, Thailand’s cabinet approved drafts of the agreement letting Thai workers work in Saudi Arabia. They will be extended for another five years unless one or both parties decide against it. Both countries will cooperate to make sure recruitment and employment is fair to employers and employees.
Thailand’s labour ministry is in charge of facilitating workers’ travel to Saudi Arabia, and encouraging them to respect Saudi culture. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development is in charge of setting qualification requirements for Thai workers. It’s also in charge of setting wage and fringe benefits, so Thai workers’ rights are protected.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post