Pattani mosque still a popular pilgrimage for Malaysians

32 were killed there 14 years ago in a Thai army attack.

PHOTO: New Straits Times


The Kresek mosque in Pattani, the locations where 32 suspected Muslim insurgents were killed in a stand-off 14 years ago, continues to be a popular place for visitors from Malaysia. This is reported in the New Straits Times of Malaysia.

The mosque’s Imam, Zakaria Mat Sin, said Malaysians, especially those from the northern east-coast states like Kelantan and Terengganu, travelled all the way to the area to witness the bullet holes and other damage left from the attack.

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Recalling the incident, Zakaria said he was waiting to perform the Subuh prayer with the 32 men when the attack happened.

“I was waiting outside the mosque when suddenly I heard loud sounds coming from the mosque. I saw many soldiers outside and inside the mosque. I only went inside with other villagers when the attack had ended,” he said.

“People from countries like Malaysia and Singapore are still visiting the mosque to see the damage done in the attack,” according to the 64 year old Imam.


On April 28, 2004, the Thai army surrounded the mosque where it was believed 32 Muslim separatists were holed up following a spate of armed attacks in various spots in the province.

After an eight-hour standoff and exchanges of gunfire, the army attacked, killing everyone in the mosque.

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