Phuket’s Governor visits Tritrang Beach to inspect action over effluent

A team of Phuket authorities headed up by the Phuket Governor, Norapat Plodthong, have visited Tritrang Beach again following up another report of wastewater being released into the seas off Patong Beach.

“Every office and all departments involved have to integrate their resources to find a sustainable solution to this problem. This is my second visit to Tritrang Beach. The first one was on February 11. On the first visit the smell was like mud but today it smells like rotten waste,” said the Governor.


The Governor said they are actively looking for the source of the wastewater which they believe comes from the nearby Pak Bang Canal.

“It is possible that the wastewater is from overflow water from Pak Bang Canal’s wastewater treatment system. Also, it is possible that the community and businesses are releasing wastewater directly into the natural water source.”

Phuket's Governor visits Tritrang Beach to inspect action over effluent | News by Thaiger

“As an urgent solution, I have told Patong Mayor to make budget available to dredge the sediment from Pak Bang Canal as well as capturing the fat and wastes floating in the water by using ‘magnetic innovation’ technology which is fastest and the wastes, fat and dredge can then be transformed into fertiliser. We are trying to solve the problem as fast as possible.”

“For a long-term solution, we will gather the local administration organisation to create an entire waste water management system for the province by connecting each area. This will require a budget of about 200 million Baht.”


After visiting the beach, the team ventured onto a number of moored boats to inspect the wastewater and rubbish management of the cruises parking near Patong Beach.

“I have emphasised to all departments involved to strictly inform the cruises not to release wastewater nor any waste into the sea and their rubbish management system must be environmentally friendly.”

Phuket's Governor visits Tritrang Beach to inspect action over effluent | News by Thaiger

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