Unruly youths unleash graffiti mayhem and tree-molition in Pattaya (video)

In a shocking show of disregard for public property, a gang of unruly youths went on the rampage daubing graffiti on public park structures and destroying several trees in Chak Nok Public Park in Pattaya.
The park, under the purview of Nong Prue Municipality, is ordinarily a tranquil haven for locals to unwind and engage in fitness activities amongst its various plant species and large decorative rocks.
Recently though, the park, located in Soi Thung Klom-Tan Man, witnessed a dramatic transitional shift. From being a space dedicated to calm recreation and leisure for residents, it has become a hub for late-night shenanigans and disruptive behaviour from a segment of Pattaya’s youth.

Under the cover of darkness, a sizeable collective of adolescents, believed to be aged between 14 and 19, converged at the park and engendered what could only be described as public commotion.
Disgruntled residents living in the vicinity of the park recounted their experiences to The Pattaya News, voicing their concern over the relentless noise pollution brought about by the frenzied revving of the troublemakers’ motorbike engines without a thought for the discomfort caused to those in the vicinity.
One of the disenchanted locals shared his frustration.
“It was like they didn’t have any care in the world. The excessive noise from the revving engines was unbearable, it disturbed the tranquillity of our nighttime routine.”
These acts of wanton defacement and destruction are a blatant violation of public trust and signify a worrying tendency towards anarchistic behaviour among a portion of Pattaya’s younger populace. This incident showcases the stark difference between the intended use of this public space and the degenerative manner in which it is currently being exploited.
Only last week Bang Lamung Police caught another suspect from the episode of teen violence that shook Pattaya. In the latest development, officers successfully apprehended an 18 year old man for his alleged involvement in an explosive attack on his rivals near the railway track road. The incident, which occurred at 4am on July 19, left two teens injured.
To read more about the story click HERE.