Thai Commerce Ministry plans new year mega sale

PHOTO: Claudio Schwarz from unsplash

The Thai Commerce Ministry has unveiled plans for a new year mega sale, an extensive retail event, to alleviate living costs for the local population. The sale, which is being presented as a new year’s gift to the citizens, is set to take place at Muang Thong Thani from December 20 to December 24.

The Commerce Minister, Phumtham Wechayachai, reported that the Internal Trade Department has coordinated with various manufacturers, business operators, wholesale and retail stores, convenience stores, and online platforms to orchestrate this mega sale.

“The sale at Muang Thong Thani will showcase a variety of essential everyday items and consumer goods.

“The sale event would extend from December 15 to January 15, next year in other provincial mall branches throughout the country. Negotiations are underway with manufacturers, business operators, and participating malls about the specifics of product discounts, he also hinted at substantial discounts, with further details to be released in due course. He estimates the event will help lower living costs for people by over 1 billion baht nationwide.”

Wattanasak Sur-iam, the Director-General of the Internal Trade Department, previously stated that the ministry is collaborating with over 300 manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and convenience stores to organise this substantial promotional event. This initiative aims to lower goods and services prices as a new year’s gift to the public.

This event is a continuation of a project that began on October 2 this year and is set to conclude on December 31. As part of the government’s Quick Win policy targeted at reducing expenses, increasing income, and expanding business opportunities, the ministry collaborated with 288 business operators in October. The partnership aimed to reduce the prices of their goods and services, covering 151,676 items nationwide for three months ending on December 31.

The scheme managed to reduce the prices of over 150,000 products and services by up to 87%, and it was projected to lower the nationwide cost of living by 2-3 billion baht, reported Bangkok Post.

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Alex Morgan

Alex is a 42-year-old former corporate executive and business consultant with a degree in business administration. Boasting over 15 years of experience working in various industries, including technology, finance, and marketing, Alex has acquired in-depth knowledge about business strategies, management principles, and market trends. In recent years, Alex has transitioned into writing business articles and providing expert commentary on business-related issues. Fluent in English and proficient in data analysis, Alex strives to deliver well-researched and insightful content to readers, combining practical experience with a keen analytical eye to offer valuable perspectives on the ever-evolving business landscape.

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