Teen fatally stabbed on Bangkok bus

PHOTOS: RuamkatanyuA year three vocation school student has now been charged after allegedly stabbing to death a 12th grade student on a BKK bus last night.

18 year old Kamolchat Saen-aroon died at the Theptharin Hospital after being stabbed about 10 times with a knife.

The quick-thinking bus driver of the No 180 bus immediately turned into the Tha Rua police station, where a 17 year old vocational college student was arrested at 6.30pm.

Tha Rua police chief Pol Col Sombat Kaenwichit said the younger student, identified only as ‘Ae’, was charged with murder and carrying a weapon in public without a licence.

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Sombat said Ae initially admitted to stabbing Kamolchat because he refused to give up his seat in the back row of the bus. Ae allegedly said he and his girlfriend had been sitting in the second last row since boarding the bus on Rama III Road and he did not want anyone else sitting close by.

When Kamolchat boarded in front of the Customs Department and sat behind them, Ae told him to move, but he refused.

Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Col Krissana Patanacharoen said Ae’s story changed on Monday, when he blamed the attack on a long-term rivalry between their schools.

Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda has ordered police to arrange a meeting of teachers and directors of both schools to try and prevent further violence.

Teen fatally stabbed on Bangkok bus | News by Thaiger Teen fatally stabbed on Bangkok bus | News by Thaiger Teen fatally stabbed on Bangkok bus | News by Thaiger

SOURCE: The Nation

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