Petrol station heist possibly inside job

Last week, a petrol station in the Bang Bon district of Bangkok was robbed. New information has come to light to suggest that the robbery was an inside job.
“Information” has come out that the petrol station employee acted as a lookout while his friend burglarised the station. Police arrested the main suspect “James” on Tuesday and interrogated him, but they are currently looking for the employee who allegedly acted as the lookout
Thai media reports that the accomplice allegedly admitted to planning the robbery with his friend, Tle. Both Tle and James live in the same village. For the robbery, Tle made sure to remember how much money the gas station had on hand. Then, Tle would “signal” James to come in, i.e., rob, the gas station when there was a hefty amount of cash at the station.
Once signalled, James robbed Tle who acted scared and gave the cash over to James, who was reportedly brandishing a “sparta” knife.
In the course of the police investigation, police uncovered James as a suspect. He was arrested and a search revealed he had previous run-ins with the law, albeit on drug charges.
Tle, the gas station employee, possible mastermind of the heist, and gas station bandit, is currently on the run. Police believe he is hiding “in Bangkok” and are confident they will arrest him soon.
SOURCE: Thai Residents