Barking bad: Bangkok dealer’s pitbulls mask meth smells with poop

Picture courtesy of Amarin TV

In a barking mad drug bust, police uncovered a cunning scheme where a Bangkok dealer used his pitbulls to poop and pee to hide his methamphetamine operation. The dogs’ pee and poop were more than just a mess – they were meant to mask the whiff of a massive meth haul stashed right under their noses.

Today, January 15, a tip-off led police to a nondescript wooden house in Soi Krungthep Kreetha 7, Huamark, where they executed a search warrant from the Criminal Court.

The sounds of snarling pitbulls greeted the officers, as they prepared to storm the den. Inside, the lead suspect, 26 year old Natthaphon, also known as “Bees Pitbull,” was caught with his canine companions on high alert.

Once the coast was clear, officers waddled through dog muck splattering the floor before hitting pay dirt, nearly 6,000 meth pills. Natthaphon had cleverly concealed them in dog food bags and beneath the wooden flooring.

The haul was accompanied by 50 zip-lock bags, a mysterious 2,060 baht in cash, and a mobile phone, all serving as telltale signs of his dealing days.

Natthaphon didn’t deny his past, admitting his criminal record stretched back to a teenage arrest at 14. Despite two stints in jail, his penchant for peddling meth persisted.

Barking bad: Bangkok dealer's pitbulls mask meth smells with poop | News by Thaiger
Pictures courtesy of Amarin TV

Buying each bundle from a shady figure known only as “Mr. Is,” he sold the pills for 50 baht each around the neighbourhood.

As for the pack of pitbulls, three males and three females, all six years old, Natthaphon claimed he was raising them to sell. But the neighbours weren’t buying it.

Officers suspect the pitbulls served as his guard dogs, intentionally used to deter intruders and cloak the meth smell with their pungent poo.

Natthaphon was swiftly nabbed and whisked to Huamark Police Station, facing charges of selling Category 1 narcotics with commercial intent.

Natthaphon’s tale is a prime example of how crime doesn’t pay, especially when your cover’s been blown by your barking partners in crime.

Barking bad: Bangkok dealer's pitbulls mask meth smells with poop | News by Thaiger
Picture of the drug dealers courtesy of Amarin TV

Bangkok NewsCrime NewsThailand News

Bob Scott

Bob Scott is an experienced writer and editor with a passion for travel. Born and raised in Newcastle, England, he spent more than 10 years in Asia. He worked as a sports writer in the north of England and London before relocating to Asia. Now he resides in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Thaiger English News. With a vast amount of experience from living and writing abroad, Bob Scott is an expert on all things related to Asian culture and lifestyle.

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