How internet-addicted are Thais? A new report finds out.

You guessed right, Thais are more internet-addicted than the average person around the world. A report by an analyst group called DataReportal found that in 2021, Thais spent an average of nine hours and six minutes a day on the internet. The global average was almost seven hours per day. Out of that time, an average of five hours and 28 minutes is on a phone. The average Thai spends two hours and 59 minutes on social media every day, compared to the global average of two hours and 27 minutes.
In Thailand, 54.5 million people reported using the internet at all in January 2022. That’s 77.8% of the country’s population. The top reason for using the internet in Thailand is finding information. Even though the United Nations now calls internet access a “basic human right,” there are still some huge challenges in helping certain populations around the world get access. This is especially true of developing countries like the Central African Republic, where only one in seven people have electricity.
Across the globe, people are spending more and more time online per day, and the daily average has increased four minutes per day over the past year. DataReportal predicts that the entire world will spend 12 and a half trillion hours online in 2022.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post | DataReportal