Brewing trouble: Kratom tea shop gets steeped in controversy after midnight raid

In a joint operation, Khon Kaen police raided a local establishment, Suppaweed, known for selling kratom tea intermixed with cough medicine. The kratom tea raid, which occurred yesterday, was initiated due to various complaints about the shop’s 24-hour operation and its habit of creating noise disturbances late into the night.
The kratom tea raid team, led by Police Captain Danai Thanomchit and Khon Kaen City District Officer Officer Dulayaphop Saengsun, discovered the premises brimming with customers. Many were found with glasses containing kratom leaves on their tables, along with a significant amount of cough medicine in both pill and liquid form.
Among the items discovered during the search were ten bottles of Dastisin (a dangerous drug), three bottles of Fatec Cetirizine, and a jar of PACMADOL, an allergy relief medication, containing 1,000 capsules. A large amount of kratom tea, with various types of flavouring, was discovered in the refrigerator.
The operators of the establishment, 30 year old Surat Sriphinitch, 21 year old Akrawin, and 20 year old Wan Mongkol Deying, were detained at the scene. Samples of the kratom tea were found on the tables and collected for analysis to determine whether it contained cough medicine.
Police Captain Precha Kengsarikit, Chief of Khon Kaen City Police Station, revealed that the establishment had been the subject of multiple complaints due to its 24-hour operation and the noise disturbances it caused for residents. The establishment was also found to be selling kratom tea mixed with cough medicine.
Precha further explained that the cough medicine discovered in the shop should only be sold by licensed pharmacists. However, the shop was selling it directly to customers and mixing it with kratom tea, which is a clear violation of drug laws.
Precha also emphasized that they have received complaints about several other establishments and urged them to cease their operations. Authorities will intensify their efforts to apprehend all establishments that misuse kratom tea in violation of the law reported KhaoSod.
Initially, the detained individuals have been charged with selling kratom tea mixed with drugs, encouraging others to consume kratom mixed with drugs, selling modern medicine (Datisin, a dangerous drug) without a license, selling unregistered drugs, selling multiple packaged drugs in a single set, and practising pharmacy without a license and permit.
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