Group attacks Russian man near Phuket shopping mall

A group attacked a Russian man in front of a Phuket shopping mall, according to a police report. The attackers beat the man up in front of the Central Phuket shopping mall at the Darasamut Intersection.
The victim filed a report to Wichit police on November 26, and the assault was reported in Novosti Phuketa yesterday.
The report said the victim and his attackers, also Russians, were on small motorbikes waiting at the traffic lights at the time of the attack. The victim said he did not know the attackers, and there was no indication of what may have motivated the attack.
The victim attached evidence of his injuries to his statement, however, there has been no progress from police in finding the culprits. The victim said…
“A week later, I called them, they said they couldn’t find it, because they said the attack allegedly at night, and that the [license] numbers and faces were not visible, although it was at two in the afternoon at one of the most significant intersections in Phuket.”
Social media posts, including a video of the attack, said the attackers were from one of Russia’s southern regions. In the video, the attackers made rude comments to the passenger of the victim. He responded with a rude gesture, and the exchange turned physical. The group beat the victim while he was still on the ground, and his companion stood watching. The victim’s motorbike lay on the road nearby.
The attackers dashed away on what appeared to be a yellow Yamaha XMas. One attacker was wearing a tank top, and the other was shirtless.
Now, the victim hopes to bring the perpetrators to justice. The victim said that finding the culprits is now his only goal.
Will the victim get justice? We’ll have to wait and see.