Drunken Petchabun man burns down his house after girlfriend leaves him for drinking

PHOTO: Jenrop Deena, seen smiling after his arrest for burning his house down - Khaosod

A man in the central Petchabun province burned down his house Wednesday after his girlfriend left him over his drinking habits. Police say he was drunk at the time. At 5pm police received a report of “a crazy man” burning down his own home. Officials notified the fire station and officers were sent to the home. Officials arrived to find a single-storey house ablaze. All homes in the area are very close to each and firefighters struggled to control the flames and prevent the flames spreading to neighbouring homes.

Drunken Petchabun man burns down his house after girlfriend leaves him for drinking | News by Thaiger
PHOTO: Khaosod

The house was completely destroyed, the flames destroying everything, including all belongings and contents. The owner, 35 year old Jenrop Deena, lived with his with his girlfriend, 19 year old Supaporn Nunil, in the home. On the day of the incident, Jenrop began drinking and was already drunk shortly after sunrise. Supaporn went to her mother’s home in another village.

Jenrop tracked her down and tried persuade her to return, but Supaporn refused, insisting on staying with her mother for safety. Jenrop returned home and shortly after set the home on fire. Villagers found Jenrop and kept him safe until police arrived.

SOURCE: Thai Residents

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