Thai health service stops Covid vaccine reaction pay outs

Only gold card scheme members and universal healthcare members can claim reimbursement for any reaction to coronavirus jabs, says the National Health Security Office (NHSO).
Deputy Secretary General Atthaporn Limpanyalert announced the NHSO has reviewed the situation regarding Covid-19 and concluded that because the problem is easing it will no longer compensate those suffering from side effects of the vaccine who are not gold card or universal healthcare members.
“As for people who received Covid-19 vaccines from July 4 and developed allergies or side effects, the NHSO will look after those who are gold card holders.
“Those who are members of other schemes can seek compensation from the schemes they are entitled to claim from. The NHSO has revised the criteria in line with the government’s policy to downgrade the pandemic to endemic status.
“Claims for compensation under other health schemes filed with the NHSO after July 4 will be forwarded to the relevant agency.”
Atthaporn made public that about 21,200 people had filed compensation claims under several healthcare schemes. About 12,000 of them are gold card members, 4,700 belong to a Social Security Fund, and 4,000 are civil servants.
Almost 18,000 received compensation and about 2 billion baht has been paid to the families of 4,500 people who died or became disabled, about 500 who lost organs because of a side effect and another 11,400 were injured.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post