
  • Tourism News

    Refinements to the Sandbox as the countdown continues to Thailand’s reopening

    Nearing the 10 day countdown to the Phuket sandbox and it couldn’t be a more important milestone for Thailand’s battered tourist industry. The official re-opening to world travellers and tourists to the tropical island in southern Thailand is a vital pilot program for the rest of the country. This week the PM proclaimed that all of Thailand will be open…

  • Thailand News

    British health secretary tells Brits to bypass Thailand for summer holidays

    The British health secretary is telling Brits to bypass countries that are labelled amber, like Thailand, for their summer holidays. Matt Hancock, says those countries labelled by the government’s traffic lights travel guide include Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. The colours denote the Covid situation in each country. He says, instead, for Brits to vacation at home…

  • Crime News

    Positive test for ketamine was a “technical error”

    A “technical error” in field testing had led to the false claim that 11.5 tonnes of ketamine had been seized at a warehouse in Chachoesngsao province. Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin, made the admission at a media briefing called to clear up the matter. The 475 sacks containing were seized by ONCB officials during a raid on a warehouse at tambon…

  • Covid-19 News

    57 year old woman tests positive for Covid on Samui

    A 57 year old Frenchwoman has baffled Thai medical officials with her quarantine-defying positive test for Covid-19. The woman had been living on Koh Samui since returning from 14 days of quarantine. Whilst her positive status had become a hot topic on Samui over the past 24 hours, it took until this afternoon for Dr Sophon Iamsirithaworn, Director of the…

  • Tourism News

    Will the Flying-V be the shape of passenger travel in the future?

    Since the first Boeing 707 (Dash 80) had its test flight in 1955, and earlier the UK’s De Havilland Comet in 1949, not much has changed in the way of passenger jet configuration – long, thin fuselage, wings, jet engines hanging underneath, with a big tail and rudder. Since then it’s been a gradual evolution of the same theme (we’ve…

  • Thailand News

    Separate licence to be required for big bikes

    The Cabinet yesterday approved rules on the issuing and renewal of drivers’ licences as proposed by the Transport Ministry, agreeing that “big bike” motorcyclists will require a different licence from those of smaller, less powerful motorbikes, and applicants will need to pass special training and a test before being granted a licence, according to a government spokesperson. “The details of…

  • Covid-19 News

    A Covid-19 vaccine “within 6 months”

    Countries around the world are battling to be first out with a sustainable, reliable and cheap vaccine for Covid-19. If they are successful it will be the first time a successful vaccine has been developed for a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause sickness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as…

  • Covid-19 News

    US soldiers, concertgoers all test negative for Covid-19

    All 110 US soldiers visiting Bangkok for upcoming joint military exercises have tested negative for Covid-19. Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesperson for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, says all are staying at alternative state quarantine locations and are strictly prohibited from leaving their rooms or interacting with the general public. The soldiers’ arrival caused concern and discussion on social media,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Who will receive free coronavirus testing?

    Free Covid-19 coronavirus testing will be provided for 4 groups of people who are considered ‘patients under investigation’… this from the government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration Thailand has vastly raised the number of centres and clinics certified to perform testing for the virus, and more are expected by the end of this month. A former deputy PM yesterday posted…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19: Hà Nội mở rộng xét nghiệm nhanh

    Thành phố mở rộng các điểm test nhanh và ai có dấu hiệu nhiễm Covid-19 đều được xét nghiệm. Chiều 1/4, tại cuộc họp Ban chỉ đạo phòng, chống dịch Covid-19 thành phố, Chủ tịch UBND TP Nguyễn Đức Chung cho biết, sau 2 ngày xét nghiệm nhanh các trường hợp liên quan đến bệnh viện Bạch Mai, thành phố sẽ mở rộng test…

  • Việt Nam

    COVID-19: Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh nCoV đầu tiên tại Hà Nội

    Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh có 5 lều bạt dã chiến, với hơn 20 nhân viên y tế, cho ra kết quả sau hơn 10 phút. Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh đầu tiên của Hà Nội dựng trong sân trường THCS Đống Đa (số 28 Lương Định Của, Kim Liên) bắt đầu hoạt động từ sáng nay (31/3). Ngoài trạm ở quận…