US News

Former Twitter employee wins $600k lawsuit over unfair dismissal

Rooney awarded $600k after Musk's 24-hour email notice deemed unreasonable

Gary Rooney, a former Twitter employee, has successfully won a lawsuit amounting to $600,000 after it was assumed he had resigned due to his non-response to an email.

Elon Musk, after acquiring the social media platform in 2022, swiftly demanded employees commit to his vision. He sent an email asking staff to click a link if they agreed to his terms. Those who didn’t click would be considered as having resigned and would receive three months’ severance pay.


Rooney, who was the director of ‘source to pay’ at Twitter’s European headquarters in Dublin, did not click the link. Twitter’s HR interpreted this as his resignation and accepted the voluntary separation offer. Rooney, however, contested this decision and took his case to Ireland’s Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).

Three days after Musk’s email, HR informed Rooney via email that his resignation was acknowledged and his work access removed. Rooney clarified he had never indicated a desire to resign. HR maintained that his failure to click the link was treated as a resignation notice.

Rooney explained to the WRC that he initially thought Musk’s email was spam. After realising its content, he discussed needing time to think with a colleague and did not intend to resign. Twitter argued these messages indicated his intention to resign. However, the WRC found that giving employees only 24 hours’ notice was unreasonable and Rooney’s messages did not indicate his resignation.

The WRC awarded Rooney €550,131 ($607,802) for lost wages since January 2023 and future pay loss. Rooney’s solicitor, Barry Kenny, stated that the ruling showed his client was unfairly dismissed despite his excellent employment record. He emphasized that no company, including one led by Musk, should treat employees in such a manner in Ireland. The compensation reflects the severity of the case.


Twitter has been contacted for comment.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Business Insider reports on a former Twitter employee, Gary Rooney, who won $600,000 in an unfair dismissal case after Twitter assumed his resignation due to his lack of response to Musk’s “hardcore” email. The case highlights communication issues and the importance of clear employment terms.(read more)
  • AOL reports that X told to pay $600,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former employee alleging racial discrimination in the workplace.(read more)
  • The Guardian reports that Elon Musk’s X has been ordered to pay a record £470,000 to a former employee for unfair dismissal following an email urging staff to be “extremely hardcore,” with the employee claiming he did not resign voluntarily.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why did Gary Rooney sue Twitter?

Gary Rooney sued Twitter because he was presumed to have resigned after not responding to an email, which he contested.

What was Elon Musk’s ultimatum to Twitter employees?

Elon Musk’s ultimatum required employees to click a link to stay with the company or receive three months’ severance if they didn’t.

Why didn’t Gary Rooney click the link in Elon Musk’s email?

Gary Rooney initially thought the email was spam and wanted to think about it, so he didn’t immediately click the link.

What was the outcome of Gary Rooney’s lawsuit against Twitter?

Gary Rooney won the lawsuit and was awarded €550,131 ($607,802) for unfair dismissal.

What did the WRC decide about Twitter’s 24-hour notice to employees?

The WRC decided that Twitter’s 24-hour notice to employees was not ‘reasonable’.

Lee Shuyi

Lee is an expat writer living in Thailand. She specialises in Southeast Asian news for the Thaiger. When she's not writing, Lee enjoys immersing herself in Thai culture and learning Thai.

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