
  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | ‘Digital Nomad’ visa, ‘Property’ visa, Huge drug bust | Dec 16

    BOI proposes new smart visa rules to lure foreign talent, digital nomads The Board of Investment in Thailand is asking the Cabinet to approve new smart visa rules designed to attract more overseas talent to work in Thailand. The aim is to allow digital freelancers currently working in Thailand to exchange their tourist visas for smart visas. To be eligible,…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | 45 day tourist visa, Cher campaign for gorilla, Pattani arrests | Dec 11

    Last day of the week and the middle of the long of a 4 day long weekend for Thailand. Be safe on the roads and we’ll see you on Monday. All the latest news will continue on 45 day tourist visa exemption proposal to be presented to Cabinet After the prime minister told officials to hurry up and relax…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Everyone welcome, Golf quarantine approved, 775M for Pattaya | December 9

    All countries welcome – Thailand open for business Come one, come all. You’re all welcome back. In response to the dismally low take-up of the Special Tourist Visa, the Thai government has U-turned on a stipulation that only those from “low-risk” countries can apply to re-enter the Kingdom. The special tourist visa is now available to all, regardless of the…

  • Visa Information

    310 days – stuck in the UK to coming home for Christmas in Thailand

    A personal story, with twists and turns, red tape and ASQ, from Peter. “I did not think you could hear silence? This once busy place I had seen a score or more times before was like a ghost town. But as I neared Immigration long lines of chairs sided the moving walkways all distanced apart and soon there was a…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Dinosaurs in BKK, BOT tackles Baht, Special K isn’t special | November 23

    Start of the week, a busy day of news around Thailand with Tim Newton. Bank of Thailand takes action to curb Thai baht’s strength The Bank of Thailand is moving forward measures, originally meant to begin early 2021, but most of which will now take effect from end of this month. The end result is that the new rules will…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | PTT pays out, Revised visa requirements, Protester’s asylum | Nov 11

    Today’s rather noisy Thailand News Today. Please like our YouTube channel whilst you’re there too! PTT pays millions in compensation after Samut Prakan gas pipeline explosion The Thai petrol company PTT has paid millions of baht in compensation to businesses and people affected by the Samut Prakan natural gas pipeline explosion last month. The explosion at an industrial estate in…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Immigration deadline, quarantine update?, arrests averted | October 30

    Last day of the week and all the main stories from around Thailand. Thailand News Today, a bit late today but here it is… Some immigration offices open tomorrow for last minute visa extensions The latest amnesty is up tomorrow (October 31) and some immigration offices will be open for those who still need sort out their visa extensions. Those…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | German Embassy rally, permanent residency prospect, crowds in Pattaya | Oct 26

    Today’s latest news from The Thaiger, looking at the latest in the protests, a surge of crowds in Pattaya and the latest proposals from the Thai government to increase a new stream of revenue. Permanent residency, changes to quarantine period – Government mulls strategies to revive economy Thailand’s energy minister has outlined a number of new strategies the government is…

  • Covid-19 News

    Complete Thailand Travel Guide (October 2020)

    Latest update – October 21. If you are overseas and wish to come to Thailand your FIRST port of call must be the Royal Thai Embassy in your country before you make any bookings. Thailand Longstay is also a valuable resource of information at this time. First ‘tourists’ arrive in Thailand under the Special Tourist Visa In 2019, almost 40 million tourists…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Land bridge project, “Thai Bridge”, Chaing Mai black widow | October 12

    Daily Thai TV News, with all the latest updates. Posted around 5pm, Monday to Friday. Protest leader says activists “in it for the long haul” Human rights lawyer and protest leader, Arnon Nampa, says political activists seeking to oust the current Thai government are “in it for the long haul”. The leader of the People’s Group (formerly the Free People…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Covid-19 visitor entry around the region

    Around the region there are many countries starting to re-open their borders to allow some business or diplomatic visitors, even tourists, to enter their national borders. The situation is changing frequently and we’d urge you to contact the national embassies in your countries before making any concrete arrangements or paying money for airfares or accommodation before you clarify the situation,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Is it time for Thailand to restart its tourist industry? – SURVEY

    It’s been 10 months since the first murmurings of a novel coronavirus emerged in China. Since then there’s been an unprecedented effort to control or contain the disease by governments around the world – some more successful in their efforts than others. Covid-19 has also had more words written about it, more conspiracy theories and more debate than any other…

  • Visa Information

    First batch of Special Tourist Visa arrivals for Phuket ‘postponed’, no refunds

    If you were a traveller, trying to get accurate information about how and when you could return to Thailand, you’d be rightfully confused. So are we. Now it emerges that the arrival of the first Special Tourist Visa travellers, headed for Phuket, has been postponed at least until the end of the month. Scheduled charter flights for Scandinavian and Chinese travellers…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | Phuket re-opens, TripAdvisor review saga, Samut Prakhan chem spill | Sept 30

    Daily TV news about Thailand. Updates and all the latest information from Phuket prepares to welcome first Chinese tourists in over 6 months The first group of tourists to arrive under Thailand’s new Special Tourist Visa scheme will land in Phuket on October 8. The flight from Guangzhou in southern China will carry 120 tourists, who will spend their…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Rumours of amnesty extension, 22 new Covid cases | September 28

    Daily TV news and updates from around Thailand on The Thaiger and on Youtube at Thaiger TV. 22 new cases of Covid-19 detected in Thailand Out of nowhere, the Thai government’s CCSA has reported 22 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours this morning, raising the country’s total of infections to 3,545. 22 cases is the largest number…

  • Visa Information

    Some immigration offices set to open on Saturday, September 26, as visa amnesty looms

    With September 26 just a day away, Thailand’s Immigration offices have never been busier. Many expats and visitors, who have been either stranded in Thailand, or decided to wait out Thailand’s outbreak of Covid-19, need to get their visas sorted out, officially, by September 26. Whilst many foreigners have left things to the last minute, here’s the latest in the…

  • Visa Information

    Getting a visa before September 26 – VIDEO

    Wanting to stay in Thailand and don’t have a visa yet? You need to act quickly or risk being arrested and even blacklisted. Watch this… Tourists have 5 days to renew their visa or they could get arrested. The current visa amnesty ends on September 26 and there isn’t going to be another sudden announcement for another grace period, according…

  • Visa Information

    This is how to apply to extend your visa in Bangkok 2024

    Thailand’s visa extension procedure can seem complicated, especially given the frequently changing laws. But with our help, you’ll notice that extending your visa will be a simple process that will allow you to take advantage of all that the city has to offer without running afoul of the law. The Thaiger also offers to help you extend your visa! Before…

  • Visa Information

    Special Tourist Visa 2.0 – This is what should happen on September 26

    OPINION So here’s an idea. If Thailand truly wants to attract tourists why not offer FREE QUARANTINE for the first 10,000 people who contact their Royal Thai Embassy and register to come as tourists under the new Special Tourist Visa. The Thai government or TAT could pay the hotels directly (I bet it will be a lot less than the…

  • Thailand video news

    Heavy rain, big protest tomorrow, special tourist visa | Thailand News Today | September 18

    Daily TV news from around Thailand. Police catch inmate who escaped prison dressed as a guard He was smart enough to get hold of a prison guard uniform and escape, but was wasn’t smart enough to not get caught. The inmate who walked out of Phetchabun Provincial Prison yesterday, disguised as a guard, has now been recaptured. Police were able…

  • Expats

    A glimmer of hope for expats unable to satisfy minimum income requirements

    September 26 looms as a dark day for many foreigners who have been unable to sort out a way to either leave the country or stay in Thailand. But at least one Thai immigration office appears to be discussing some leniency in this crazy time. Phuket Immigration has specifically addressed the issue for foreigners on a non-immigrant B (Business) visa…

  • Covid-19 News

    I flew home to get a new visa – one person’s experience with the “new normal” in Thailand

    Theo, from The Netherlands, flew back from Thailand to arrange a new visa in his home country. When he returned he had to stay in an Alternative State Quarantine hotel in Bangkok. What were his challenges? How much did it all cost? I am from the Netherlands, I am 44 years old, married with my Thai wife for over 5 years…

  • Crime News

    Immigration police nab American, Thai wife for visa forgery, cannabis

    Immigration police yesterday announced the arrest of an American, and his Thai wife for allegedly forging visas and other government documents, as well as growing cannabis, at their home. 31 year old Chad Vincent Scira, and his 34 year old Thai wife Grace Scira, were apprehended at their Bangkok home. “The suspects established a company called Thai Visa Centre, offering…

  • Covid-19 News

    All foreigners will have to serve 14 day quarantine “in the foreseeable future” – Minister

    Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Pipat Ratchakitprakan, is reassuring Thais by explaining that all foreigners, regardless of their status or origins, will have to serve a mandatory 14 day quarantine, at least “in the foreseeable future”. Thailand officials are currently prepares phase six of the re-opening of the country, loosening the restrictions imposed in April when the country closed…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai Cabinet extends the visa amnesty for foreigners

    The Thai Cabinet has extended the visa amnesty for foreigners so they can remain in Thailand during the Covid-19 global pandemic. This is the second extension to the visa amnesty and will be a huge relief for tens of thousands of people who have been in a visa limbo, some without many other options other than staying in Thailand whilst…

  • Covid-19 News

    Visa amnesty extension “very likely”. Decision this week.

    Only 11 days to go until we reach the end of the current visa amnesty, which has allowed people with expired visas to remain in the Kingdom during the midst of Thailand’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak. But even today Immigration officials say that a proposal to extend the visa amnesty, or some similar alternative, is before the government for…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand re-opens its international borders today

    Thailand is lifting its ban on international flights on July 1. But before you dust off the suitcase and book your flight, there are still many restrictions on the return of foreigners into the country. The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand says the ban on international flights is being lifted from July 1 but “conditions for re-entry apply”. “People entering Thailand…

  • Covid-19 News

    Open letter to Thai government “We want to come back to Thailand”

    There are many foreigners who are desperately trying to get back into Thailand to attend to urgent matters, or simply get back together with their Thai families. Many others have simply made Thailand their home for an extended time and have gone through all the legal hoops required by Thai Immigration only to find themselves locked out. The Thaiger is…

  • Thailand News

    Health Ministry: 98% of recent Covid-19 cases imported

    The Ministry of Public Health made an announcement this afternoon via social media regarding recent statistics around Covid-19 in Thailand. The gist of the statement is that all recently reported cases of the virus have been imported by Thais returning from abroad. Here is the full text… “From the reports of confirmed cases in the previous two weeks, among 64…

  • Covid-19 News

    TAT will use domestic tourism as dress rehearsal for international returns

    “…the tourism sector will continue to be stifled by disease control measures until a Covid-19 vaccine is developed.” Due to the current ban on international arrivals, extended several times and now in effect until at least July, the Tourism Authority of Thailand has created a strategy to support domestic tourism and “learn from the experience”, as it eases into the…