
  • Politics News

    Irish MEP slams EU & West hypocrisy over Russia

    An Irish MEP yesterday let rip at fellow members of the European Union and the West over their hypocrisy regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Mick Wallace, in a passionate speech inside the European Parliament building in Brussels, highlighted the double standards of the EU, the West and its allies with its attitude toward Russian terrorism and the terrorism…

  • World News

    Death toll rises after Russia’s “kamikaze drones” hit Ukraine capital

    UPDATE The death toll following Russia’s “kamikaze drone” strikes on Ukraine’s capital city of Kyiv has risen. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said shortly after the attacks that at least one person, a woman, had been killed. The number of people killed has risen to four, according to Reuters. The victims include a woman who was six months pregnant and her…

  • Hot News

    Russian fighter jets crashes into apartment building near Ukraine leaving at least 6 dead

    A Russian fighter plane has apparently crashed into an apartment building just outside of Ukraine, killing at least six people and injuring 19. The crash happened in the Russian city of Yeysk shortly after taking off on Monday. According to the Straits Times, the crash engulfed the apartments which left another six people missing. The city of Yeysk is separated…

  • World News

    Russia launches “kamikaze drones” into Ukraine capital

    Russia launched “kamikaze drones” into Ukraine’s capital city of Kyiv this morning. This news comes just after Russia’s President Vladimir Putin claimed on Friday that there was no need for massive strikes on Ukraine. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said that at least one person, a woman, has been killed in the attacks, Al Jazeera reported. Klitschko said another person remains under…

  • Hot News

    North Korea’s Kim watching Russia’s Putin closely after nuclear threats

    North Korea’s leader is observing the moves of Russia as it moves toward normalising nuclear threats. The government has set off more than 40 missile launches this year while threatening pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Washington and Seoul, world leaders say it may be looking at Russia as its inspiration. As Russia is a nuclear-armed member of the UN Security Council,…

  • Politics News

    Thailand refuses to condemn Russia at UN Assembly

    Thailand refused to condemn Russia’s decision to annex parts of Ukraine at the United Nations General Assembly in New York yesterday. In September, Russia proclaimed its annexation of four partially occupied regions in Ukraine – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia – after staging what it called referendums. Ukraine, the UN General Assembly, and their allies refused to recognise the referendums,…

  • Hot News

    Ukraine regains more territory from Russia in south

    The Ukrainian government says it has regained more territory from Russia in the south after being pummelled by its army for an intense two days. According to the Bangkok Post, the news of the recent gains comes as Russia attacked the country with missiles, damaging energy facilities. President Vladimir Putin says the recent attacks were retaliation for a deadly explosion…

  • Hot News

    IMF says world economy about to hit recession

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns the world economy will be in a recession as it downgraded global growth projections for next year. The IMF warned policymakers that a worldwide recession will occur if the fight against inflation is mishandled. The IMF’s bleak assessment comes after reviewing the World Economic Outlook report. According to The Straits Times, the report was…

  • Politics News

    Vladimir Putin officially annexed four parts of Ukraine

    In an elaborate ceremony in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially annexed four parts of Ukraine. The move has drawn condemnation as he tries to lay diplomatic claim to lands that Ukraine forces have been regaining on the ground. Putin announced ominously that anyone living in the four regions is now permanently a Russian citizen, and in response, attendees chanted…

  • Politics News

    The Russia-Ukraine conundrum and US interference

    The conflict in Ukraine ramped up even further last night when United States President Joe Biden declared America will “never recognize Russia‘s attempt to take territory in Ukraine.” The US President spoke ahead of an expected speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin today who is predicted to announce that four regions of Ukraine, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, are rejoining…

  • Thailand News

    Military conscription in Russia could benefit Thailand’s economy

    Thailand could be an attractive and realistic option for men fleeing military conscription in Russia. Reports say that men are fleeing Russia after President Vladimir Putin announced a plan to conscript 300,000 civilians into military service in Ukraine. Several European countries such as Lithuania have already closed their doors to Russian citizens, citing widespread support for Putin’s unprovoked invasion of…

  • Hot News

    Alleged Ukrainian torture victims come forward to testify

    After Ukraine’s military advance north of Kharkiv this month, evidence of torture has been allegedly uncovered. Ukrainian police and prosecutors have reportedly taken over the border town of Kozacha Lopan, forcing Russian troops back across the border. Now, an investigation has been launched over alleged war crimes. The small town was previously occupied by a pro-Russia militia, with alleged torture victims…

  • Crime News

    Ukrainian woman caught smuggling 116 live tortoises from Tanzania into Thailand

    Police arrested a Ukrainian woman at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport yesterday after airport security found 116 live tortoises in her luggage. The woman smuggled the protected wildlife on an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Bangkok, transiting in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia along the way. Yesterday at 2:40pm, Chief of the Wildlife Checkpoint at Suvarnabhumi Airport Sathon…

  • World News

    US sends advanced weapons to Ukraine, as Kyiv promises not to target inside Russia

    The US Secretary of State says Ukraine has given an undertaking not to use long-range rocket systems to target inside Russia. Antony Blinken was addressing a news conference with NATO chief, Jens Stoltenberg, after the US agreed to supply Ukraine with the weapons. “The Ukrainians have given us assurances that they will not use these systems against targets on Russian…

  • Economy News

    Migrant labour shortage threatens Thai food export industry

    The threat of global food shortages due to the ongoing Russia Ukraine war has prompted several countries to buy and stock-pile food from Asia. The Thai food industry has witnessed a surge in larger international orders, but the honeymoon phase could be brief since a major labour shortage in the food sector remains unresolved, according to the Chairman of the…

  • World News

    US says it will not send rocket systems to Ukraine to strike at territory inside Russia

    The US has ruled out arming Ukraine with rocket systems that could strike targets inside Russian territory, according to an AFP report. President Joe Biden has confirmed his administration’s stance at a press briefing in Washington. “We are not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that can strike into Russia.” Since Russia’s invasion in February, Ukraine has received significant…

  • World News

    5 countries’ representatives walk out when Russian official speaks in Bangkok

    Thailand may be claiming ‘neutrality’ following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but representatives of 5 countries at a Bangkok event today certainly weren’t. Two Thai officials and 2 international diplomats told Reuters that at the Apec trade ministers’ meeting in Bangkok today, representatives of 5 countries walked out when Russia’s economic development minister Maksim Reshetnikov was speaking. The 5 who walked out…

  • World News

    Former US president George W Bush accidentally refers to “unjustified” war in Iraq

    Doh! Is this the Freudian slip to beat all Freudian slips? Former US President George W Bush has accidentally referred to the invasion of Iraq as “brutal” and “unjustified”. The former US president was discussing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but instead of saying Ukraine, the wrong country’s name slipped out. He swiftly corrected himself, shaking his head while the audience…

  • World News

    Bomb-sniffing dog receives medal for saving lives in Ukraine

    A small but mighty dog named Patron has been awarded the Medal for Dedicated Services for his military work in Ukraine’s fight against Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Patron the dog with the “medal of courage” on Sunday. Patron has sniffed out over 200 undetonated landmines planted by Russian soldiers in Ukraine so far. Patron – which means “ammo”…

  • Events

    Museum Siam launches Ukraine exhibition and Ukrainian language audio guide

    Museum Siam in Bangkok will hold a photography exhibition entitled “Diverse Ukraine” to showcase Ukraine’s diverse national costumes from May 9 – May 29. The museum has also launched a Ukrainian language audio guide for their longstanding “Decoding Thainess” exhibition which explores what it means to be “Thai,” giving Ukrainian tourists the opportunity to learn about Thailand’s history, culture and…

  • World News

    Thailand won’t take sides in Russia – Ukraine war, says PM Prayut

    Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha says that his upcoming visit to Washington for the US – ASEAN summit on Friday does not mean Thailand will choose sides in the Russia – Ukraine war. He says the purpose of the summit is to discuss economy, trade and investment in the region. However, Ukraine has requested that Southeast Asian nations suspend dialogue…

  • World News

    G7 countries commit to phasing out imports of Russian oil

    In a virtual meeting yesterday, the Group of Seven nations gave an undertaking to phase out imports of Russian oil. It’s the latest move aimed at punishing Vladimir Putin for his invasion of Ukraine, with the US also unveiling sanctions against executives at Gazprombank and a number of other businesses. According to a Reuters report, the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy,…

  • World News

    Russia’s FM Sergei Lavrov warns US not to supply Ukraine with arms

    Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is urging the US and NATO to stop supplying Kyiv (capital of Ukraine) with arms. “If the US and NATO are really interested in resolving the Ukraine crisis, then first of all they should wake up and stop supplying the Kyiv regime with arms and ammunition.” Months into an invasion, the Russian army is now…

  • World News

    Wimbledon’s ban on Russian and Belarusian players is “crazy”, says Djokovic

    World tennis champion Novak Djokovic has condemned Wimbledon’s ban on Russian and Belarusian players as “crazy.” Earlier this week, the oldest tennis tournament in the world announced that players from Russia and Belarus are banned from playing in this year’s competition from June 27 – July 10 because of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. The decision has been described as “complete…

  • Phuket News

    Two Ukrainian fugitives arrested in Phuket over US tax evasion scandal

    Two Ukrainian nationals wanted for fraud and tax evasion in the US were arrested in Phuket on Tuesday. The men fled to Thailand after warrants for their arrest were issued in Florida earlier this month. The pair are accused of providing employment for hundreds of illegal immigrants in America from 2007 – 2021 and evading $10 million in employment taxes.…

  • World News

    Kyiv calls for negotiations to evacuate troops, civilians from Azovstal steel plant

    After Ukrainian fighters holed up in the Azovstal steel plant ignored a Russian ultimatum to surrender or die on Wednesday, the government in Kyiv has proposed talks with Moscow to evacuate their troops and civilians from the surrounded steelworks factory. The move comes after a Ukrainian marine commander, Serhiy Volny, made a desperate plea to world leaders, asking them to…

  • World News

    Pattaya Christian organisation to give food, support to Russians and Ukrainians

    As various sectors of Thai society step forward to help stranded Russians and Ukrainians, a Christian organisation in Pattaya plans to provide mink, instant noodles, 5 kilogram bags of rice. The organisation, Hand to Hand Foundation, invites Russians and Ukrainians to come to their centre in Banlamung district from 2pm – 4m on April 21, April 26 and April 28.…

  • World News

    Ukrainian commander pleads for evacuation of troops, civilians from Mariupol factory

    A senior commander of Ukrainian marines has called for a third country to urgently evacuate troops and civilians from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, southern Ukraine, which has been under heavy Russian bombardment for weeks. The plea comes as Ukrainian troops in the besieged port city launch a final stand against Russian troops, who are closing in while supplies…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Russia’s flagship vessel sinks in Black Sea after Ukrainian missile strike

    As Russia’s war in Ukraine entered its 50th day, its flagship cruiser has sunk in the Black Sea, after a “fire” onboard caused ammunition explosions. It’s the first major war ship to be taken down by cruise missiles since World War Two. At least, that’s the Ukrainian side of the story. Russia’s Ministry of Defence has released a statement on…

  • World News

    Thailand to welcome East-West flight detours as airlines avoid Russian airspace

    More planes might be detouring through Thailand’s airspace as a result of Russia closing its skies to airlines from “hostile” nations, after an overwhelming majority of nations condemned its invasion of Ukraine at the UN General Assembly last month. The nation’s Ministry of Transportation has called for the Aeronautical Radio of Thailand, or Aerothai, to draw up a contingency plan,…