Same sex marriage

  • Thailand News

    Tying the knot: Thailand Senate approves same-sex marriage bill

    Thailand is set to become the first nation in Southeast Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following the Senate’s approval of a marriage equality bill today. This monumental milestone was passed with an overwhelming majority, with 130 senators in favour and only four against. The bill now awaits the king’s endorsement before it can become law. Once approved, the law will…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand celebrates marriage equality bill nearing final approval

    Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin will host a reception tomorrow at Government House to celebrate the marriage equality bill as it nears final approval. Deputy Government spokesperson Radklao Inthawong Suwankiri confirms that the event will see the 62 year old Thai prime minister, an array of VIPs, Cabinet members, and foreign envoys in attendance. Additionally, members of the Bangkok Pride task…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand nears historic approval of marriage equality bill

    Thailand is on the verge of making history by passing the Marriage Equality Bill, which is set to undergo its final round of Senate voting this month. If approved, the bill could come into effect by the end of the year, making Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia to endorse gender equality in marriage. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin assured…

  • Thailand News

    More than 99% of Thais back marriage equality

    A recent poll reveals that over 99% of Thais are in favour of the Marriage Equality Bill, advocating for legal benefits for same-sex couples. This groundbreaking survey, conducted by content platform The Attraction between May 20 and June 9, indicates a powerful push towards equality in Thailand. An overwhelming 99.3% of respondents backed the bill, though the exact number of…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand house of representatives approves same-sex marriage bill

    Thailand has taken a monumental leap forward in the quest for marriage equality, with the House of Representatives approving a same-sex marriage bill on its final reading. The bill, backed by all significant political parties, secured a resounding victory with 400 of the 415 members present voting in favour. A mere 10 representatives opposed the motion. Danuphorn Punnakanta, a Pheu…

  • Thailand News

    Love triumphs on Valentine’s Day as LGBTQ+ couples flock to register unions

    In a heartwarming Valentine’s Day spectacle, the Jewellery Trade Centre (JTC) on Silom Road became the epicentre of love as numerous LGBTQ+ couples flocked to register their unions today. Amidst the glittering aura of romance, approximately 800 couples, eager to formalise their relationships, gravitated towards the Bang Rak district, a symbolic haven dubbed the land of love. However, this year,…

  • Thailand News

    Thai health chief champions surrogacy for same-sex couples

    In a move anticipating the impending legalisation of same-sex marriage in Thailand, the nation‘s Health Department Director-General Atchara Nithiapinyasakul is pushing for a revision of the Surrogacy Act. The aim is to open the doors for homosexual couples to adopt a baby through a surrogate mother, addressing not just personal desires but also a national crisis. As Thailand grapples with…

  • Thailand News

    Pheu Thai Party’s Danuporn Punnakan leads Same-sex Marriage Committee in Thailand

    A significant stride towards equality has been achieved with the appointment of Danuporn Punnakan, a representative of the Pheu Thai Party, as the chair of the Same-sex Marriage Committee. The committee includes representatives from various sectors, with a particular focus on individuals from the public and the LGBTQ+ community. This collective endeavour aims to review and revise the legislation related…

  • Thailand News

    Marriage equality bill final draft to be submitted to Parliament

    Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin declared yesterday, December 19, that the Cabinet is set to propose the Marriage Equality Bill final draft to Parliament tomorrow, December 21. Expressing unwavering confidence in the bill’s potential, Srettha envisions a future where same-sex couples bask in the same marital rights as their heterosexual counterparts, pending parliamentary consideration. The final draft of the bill, an…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand’s bold leap: Marriage equality legislation set to light up Parliament

    Thailand‘s Cabinet greenlighted a historic draft legislation on marriage equality, sparking hopes for a significant stride towards inclusivity. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin announced the pivotal decision on November 21, marking a potential turning point for the nation’s LGBTQ+ community. In a nation renowned for its vibrant LGBTQ+ scene, the legislation aims to bridge the gap between societal shifts and traditional…

  • Business News

    LGBTQ+ tourism revenue boom fuels drive for legalised same-sex marriage in Thailand

    Thailand is witnessing a surge in the burgeoning LGBTQ+ community, as diversity takes centre stage worldwide, boosting LGBTQ+ tourism in the country. As per estimates by LGBT Capital, an asset management company serving the LGBTQ community, 5 to 10% of the world’s population identifies as LGBTQ+. This demographic represented around 3.6 million residents in Thailand in 2019. During Pride Month…

  • Thailand News

    American transwoman marries Thai woman, fuelling hopes for future of same sex marriage (video)

    In a heartwarming story that transcended stereotypes, an American transwoman married her Thai partner in Thailand on Sunday, June 4. They hope their same-sex union will be accepted in the country. The touching tale gained widespread attention after a popular Thai makeup artist, known as Wave Make Up on TikTok, shared videos of the couple, introducing them to the online…

  • World News

    Taiwan permits joint adoption for same-sex couples in marriage equality milestone

    Taiwan‘s parliament approved an amendment permitting same-sex couples to adopt children jointly, a significant milestone for marriage equality in the country. Taiwan has been a leader in Asia’s growing LGBTQ+ rights movement since becoming the first nation in the region to legalise same-sex marriage in 2019. However, same-sex couples still faced limitations, such as being unable to adopt children together.…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand’s LGBTQ couples push for marriage equality on Valentine’s Day

    Thailand’s LGBTQ couples pushed for marriage equality on Valentine’s Day yesterday. The 128 LGBTQ couples in Bangkok and Ayutthaya took part in a marriage registration campaign. Dusit District Office and Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University held the campaign at Suan Sunandha Palace, which was decorated for the event. Authorities are hoping that this campaign is a starting point in passing the…

  • Events

    Thailand’s biggest LGBTQ+ wedding planned for Valentine’s Day

    At least 100 LGBTQ+ couples plan to make history this Valentine’s Day when they converge on Bangkok to take part in Thailand’s biggest LGBTQ+ wedding ceremony. The event will be held at the Thai-Japan Bangkok Youth Centre and is hoped to raise awareness of the struggle for gay rights and marriage equality. As of now, same-sex marriages, civil unions, domestic…

  • Thai Life

    Will Thailand become the first SE Asian country to have same sex marriage?

    Liberalisation of cannabis laws (although we’re not sure of the final details at this stage), decriminalisation of Kratom, Pride marches held all over Thailand this year, and protesters daring to mention changes to the constitution, including the “K” word… what’s next for the country ruled by a conservative military-linked government? It could be full legal recognition of same-sex relationships. Or…

  • Thailand video news

    Adios Thailand Pass? Same sex marriage bill…BOOM! | GMT

    Thailand’s Parliament passed the Marriage Equality Bill in the first reading with 210 votes in favour, 180 votes in opposition and 4 abstentions. Cannabis muslim students in southern Thailand protest against decriminalisation of cannabis.

  • Thailand video news

    Civil partnerships and French ‘dicks’ | Good Morning Thailand

    Out of nowhere, but perhaps inspired, or prompted by the Pride Month activities around Bangkok, the Thai cabinet has approved what is considered the first step towards same sex marriage in Thailand, a Civil Partnership Bill. This bill will allow same-sex couples to ‘register’ their partnership, not get legally married. The new Bill defines a civil partnership as a “couple…

  • Thailand News

    New Civil Partnership Bill in Thailand passed by the cabinet

    Now the Bill needs to survive its first reading in the lower house of the Thai parliament. Out of nowhere, but perhaps inspired, or prompted by the Pride Month activities around Bangkok, the Thai cabinet has approved what is considered the next step towards same sex marriage in Thailand, a Civil Partnership Bill. This bill will allow same-sex couples to…

  • World News

    British Embassy sparks controversy in Indonesia by raising LGBT+ flag

    The British Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, hoisted a rainbow LGBT+ flag last week to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia on May 17. However, Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs have called the action “highly insensitive” to Indonesian people and have urged other foreign officials not to follow suit. The British Embassy posted a photo of the raised…

  • World News

    Singapore’s LGBT content ban slammed after gay kiss caught in news broadcast

    In a Singaporean news broadcast on the Winter Olympics, it wasn’t the coverage that got the attention of viewers, it was what was happening in the background at the Beijing bar. Behind the Channel News Asia correspondent were two men passionately kissing, a taboo for Singaporeans where broadcasting laws prohibit LGBT content and homosexual relationships between men are illegal. Although…

  • Thailand video news

    Same sex marriage, Thai PM’s music video | Thaiger Bites | Ep.64

    Jay and Tim go through your video messages, comments and feedback from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Thaiger Talk forum on the website.

  • Thailand News

    Constitutional Court ruling on marriage a setback for same-sex couples

    In a setback for the LGBTQ+ community, Thailand’s Constitutional Court ruled that the current law, which says marriage is between a man and a woman, is constitutional. Same-sex marriage activists have argued that the wording of the law, Section 1448 of the Civil and Commercial Code, basically blocks same-sex couples from being legally married. A petition had been filed with…

  • Thailand News

    Constitutional Court upholds anti-LGBTQ marriage language

    In a major blow to LGBTQ+ rights in conservative Thailand, the Constitutional Court upheld the Thai Civil and Commercial Code section that essentially outlaws gay marriage. The passage, Section 1448, limits the scope of marriage, defining it by saying, “a marriage can take place only between a man and a woman.” The Court ruled that this legal definition of marriage…

  • Covid-19 News

    Taiwan hosts gay pride march for other countries

    Taiwan has taken centre stage by hosting a gay pride march for the rest of the world which saw many cancellations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Taipei’s Liberty Square saw more than 200 people coming out to celebrate saying they were “marching for the world” during the LGBT pride season. The move supports Taiwan’s recent progressiveness towards the issue as…

  • Politics News

    Thai LGBT advocates push for equal rights for same-sex marriage

    LGBT equality advocates are calling on Thailand to allow same-sex marriage, asking that laws regarding marriage simply change the words “man and woman” so same-sex couples can have the same rights as traditional married couples. A Civil Partnership Bill allows same-sex couples to register in a civil union, but the so-called “partnerships” are not treated the same as marriages. If…

  • Thailand News

    Three reasons Thailand is winning on same-sex rights *Thaiger Bites

    Success for the gay rights cause in Thailand lies in, as the old Chinese formula goes, the “right time, the right place, the right people” Last month, the Thai government supported a bill that would make Thailand the first Asian jurisdiction to allow same-sex civil partnerships. It is significant progress in the battle for sexual equality in Asia, in contrast…

  • Thailand News

    ‘Recognise all citizen’s right to create a family’ – Rainbow Sky Association

    by Pratch Rujivanarom. PHOTO: Prasert Thepsri “LGBT activists are calling on the Thai government to recognise all citizen’s right to create a family.” The Nation reports that both the Civil Code’s marriage law and the new Life Partnership Bill are in violation of the Constitution’s gender-equality principle, gender-diversity campaigners asserted as they pressed for full marriage equality rather than a two-tier…