
  • Thailand News

    Thai teen caring for his grandmother receives public support

    Generous individuals rallied to support a devoted Thai teen who put his education on hold to care for his ailing grandmother. The 15 year old Ae’s daily struggle involves walking barefoot for over 14 kilometres to collect and sell recyclable materials to support his grandmother and younger siblings. The family lives in a modest house in a rural area, lacking…

  • Thailand News

    Thai feature film ‘How To Make Millions’ sweeps box offices

    When Thai filmmaker Pat Boonnitipat embarked on his debut feature film, How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies, his primary goal was simple: to complete it in time for his grandmother to watch. Initially, the film was also meant to support his family’s mirror and glass-making business. However, the movie’s sweeping regional success has catapulted Pat into the spotlight, leaving…

  • Thailand News

    Thai family hides patriarch’s death from grandmother

    A family in Thailand chose to keep the death of a beloved grandfather a secret from his wife, fearing the news might worsen her health. Their touching story today reveals the depth of their concern for the grandmother, who remains unaware of her husband’s passing. As the family navigates this delicate situation, they receive widespread admiration on social media for…

  • World News

    92 year old granny’s electric rice cooker mishap: A side-splitting dinner delight

    A humorous incident recently unfolded in a Chinese household, involving a 92 year old grandmother’s attempt to cook rice using a modern electric rice cooker. The result: a burnt cooker with the rice still uncooked left the entire family in fits of laughter, making for an unusual culinary experience. The incident was documented and shared on a TikTok account. The…

  • South Thailand News

    97 year old Thai grandmother abandoned on road by daughter, found soaking in rain

    A 97 year old grandmother was abandoned in the middle of a road in the rain by her own daughter in Thailand‘s southern Ranong province. The elderly woman managed to crawl into the grassy area beside the road, where she was eventually found today by her distressed grandchildren. The road was in the middle of a residential area. Security camera…