
  • World News

    US President announces break with WHO, new sanctions against China, and more

    China, the World Health Organisation, Twitter, social media generally, new security laws in Hong Kong, bans on some foreign nationals and proposed retaliations against the Chinese. And that was all in just one media conference in the rose garden at the White House by US President Trump. The President, without even mentioning the Covid-19 crisis or the overnight violence in numerous…

  • Covid-19 News

    World’s coronavirus focus shifts from Europe to the Americas

    The focus of the world’s coronavirus pandemic has shifted in the past month, from Europe epicentres to the Americas, both north and south. Russia, too, has become a growing problem as the pandemic spreads from other European continental regions. In order, the US, Russia and Brazil are now the top three nations with the most cases. In the US, at…

  • World News

    High speed railway linking Thailand and China takes another step

    A high speed rail link between Thailand and China is closer to becoming a reality, according to Thai Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob. The signing of “Contract 2.3″ for the Bangkok-Nakhon Ratchasima section is expected in October this year. China has become a major player in the railway industry and, as a result, many countries, including Thailand, are working with China…

  • Crime News

    More people charged in illegal surrogacy scandal

    More people involved in the surrogacy scandal turned themselves in yesterday and are now facing charges. According to the Bangkok Post, 4 doctors and a scientist are looking at charges for their alleged involvement in the illegal ring which uses Thai women to carry babies for people in China. A report yesterday says a Thai doctor faces charges for human…

  • Events

    Thai Fruit Golden Month festivals to be held in 8 Chinese cities

    8 Chinese cities will host Thailand Fruit Golden Months Festivals as local governments there begin easing lockdown measures and travel restrictions. The director-general of the Department of International Trade Promotion made the announcement yesterday, saying the the festivals will promote Thai fruit exports around China. “The campaign aims to increase the export of durian, mangosteen, longan, mango, rose apple, coconut,…

  • Tourism News

    Thailand depending on Chinese travellers for tourist reboot

    Thailand is looking to China to rebuild its battered travel industry. As the Covid-19 pandemic subsides in Asia, countries are discussing the idea of “travel bubbles,” in which reciprocal nations establish guidelines that enable their citizens to move freely across their borders. The wider tourism industry accounts for 18-20% of Thailand’s GDP and provides jobs for almost a tenth of…

  • Covid-19 News

    No new Covid-19 cases in China, first time since outbreak began

    There were no new confirmed Covid-19 cases in China yesterday, marking the first time it has seen no daily rise since the pandemic began in the city of Wuhan in late 2019. China’s National Health Commission said in a statement today that this compared to 4 new cases Thursday. It warned, however, that there are 2 new suspected cases: an…

  • World News

    China proposes new “security law” for Hong Kong

    After more than a year of often violent protests and unrest, China says it will introduce a proposal today for a national security law in Hong Kong in a move the US warns will be “highly destabilising” for the Asian financial hub. The announcement late yesterday was quickly criticised by pro-democracy lawmakers and activists as “the end of Hong Kong,”…

  • Politics News

    Four destinations removed from Thailand’s “high risk” list

    Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health has removed two countries and two special administrative zones off its list of Covid-19 ‘high-risk’ countries. The destinations include China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Macau. The announcement was made late yesterday and listed in the Royal Gazette. The announcement mentioned the “effectiveness of those areas in containing the continued spread of the deadly virus”.…

  • Covid-19 News

    Leading virologist warns against enabling second wave of Covid-19

    A second wave of Covid-19 infections could easily strike Thailand unless people stick to the “new normal” of social distancing, according to Chulalongkorn University’s Head of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology. Posting on Facebook today, Dr Yong Poovorawan wrote that everyone is looking forward to the second phase of easing Emergency Decree restrictions now that the rate of…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand receives 30 million baht shipment of medical PPE from China

    Today at Don Mueang International Airport General Chanchan Changmongkol, the Deputy Minister of Defense represented the Thai government in receiving medical equipment and supplies from Mr. Yang Xin, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, to aid the people of Thailand during the Covid-19 outbreak. The shipment had a value of 6 million yuan or 30 million baht and…

  • Covid-19 News

    China on alert as 17 new Covid-19 cases reported, highest in two weeks

    China has recorded its highest daily increase in new Covid-19 cases since April 28, with 17 new cases. Five of those are in Wuhan, where the outbreak began in late 2019, and is the highest number recorded there since March 11. A Reuters report says that 7 of the cases recorded yesterday involve arrivals from overseas, a big jump from…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today – Friday May 8

    8 new Covid-19 case, total now 3,000, no new deaths 8 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been announced at this morning’s daily press briefing in Bangkok, maintaining the recent trend of single-digit daily increases. The new cases take Thailand’s total to 3,000 since the beginning of the outbreak. No new deaths were reported, leaving the tally at 55. All…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai Health Minister says China, South Korea no longer virus hotspots

    Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has provisionally approved a suggestion from Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul that China and South Korea be removed from the list of Covid-19 “hotspots”. Nation Thailand reports that the number of confirmed cases in each country has now dropped into single digits and attempts are being made to re-establish economic and social ties between Thailand and the two…

  • Covid-19 News

    May 17 target for shopping centres to re-open

    The rumours have been flying since this week’s cabinet meeting about the next raft of re-openings as Thailand’s economy starts to plod back into gear. Now, after a meeting yesterday of the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, there’s general consensus that shopping centres and retail stores will be able to re-open on Sunday, May 17. Of course the caveat is…

  • Economy News

    Local markets in Asia retreat as US President Trump talks up revised trade war

    Steep losses are the order of the day as local markets follow the lead from a sell off in New York after US President Trump foreshadowed a new round of trade sanctions on China. The US President and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have openly accused the Chinese government that the Covid-19 started in a lab in Wuhan, and that…

  • Covid-19 News

    Dodgy Chinese medical supplies rejected by many countries

    Countries across Europe and around the world are rejecting substandard medical supplies from China as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to sweep parts of the globe and the death toll continues to climb. Germany, Belgium and Holland have joined the ranks of other nations, including Canada, Spain and Slovakia, complaining of unreliable test kits, inaccurate thermometers and shoddy Personal Protection Equipment.…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand turns to China to revive post-Covid tourist economy

    The Covid-19 pandemic has crushed Thailand’s tourism sector, long considered a lifeline for the nation’s already battered economy, as numbers of foreign visitors have dropped below even the worst predictions plunging 76.4% in March from last year after a 42.8% drop in February. For an economy that derives 12-14% of its gross domestic product from tourism, receipts, the impact of…

  • Covid-19 News

    NY Governor offers evidence that the virus entered the US from Europe

    China has been in the sites of many as the world tries to apportion blame of the origins of Covid-19, including some world leaders. Now New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has laid out some research showing that the strains of the novel coronavirus arrived in New York from Europe, not China. He also claimed that travel bans enacted by the…

  • World News

    China opens 2 more border points to allow transport of Thai fruits

    The director-general of the Department of Agriculture announced today that China has opened two more points at its Vietnam border to allow the transportation of Thai fruits during the Covid-19 crisis. The move comes after the existing Youyi Guan checkpoint was overwhelmed with 15 kilometre queues of Thai and Vietnamese goods vehicles. The Department of Agriculture together with National Bureau of…

  • Covid-19 News

    ‘Smart helmets’ for Chinese epidemic prevention officers

    As China shows signs of recovering from its initial Coronavirus outbreak, epidemic prevention and control officers (yeah that’s a thing now) have been equipped with futuristic “smart helmets” that can detect potential patients without officers needing to get too close. It’s a new AI approach to tracking and prevention. The smart helmet is a product developed by Kuang-chi whose company…

  • Politics News

    Taiwan considers rebranding its flag carrier, China Airlines

    Taipei is considering changing the name of its flag carrier: China Airlines. Perhaps an opportunistic excuse to distance itself from any anti-Chinese ‘Covid’ fallout or just a political ploy whilst China has, well, other things to worry about at the moment. It seems the Covid-19 pandemic has reignited calls to change the name after the airline sent a series of…

  • Thailand News

    Thai Government pharmaceutical organisation boosts production of key medicines

    Dr Mukdavan Prakobvaitayakit, the deputy managing director of The Government Pharmaceutical Organisation says “the GPO has been increasing the amount of production for chronic disease medication by 50%. ” This unexpected Covid-19 pandemic has hit the stockpile of 5 – 6 key medicines, which are being used in the treatment of Covid-19. In normal circumstances, GPO usually purchases raw materials…

  • World News

    China moves to second phase of successful vaccine trials

    An adenovirus vector vaccine clinical trial in China has successfully concluded its first phase, and a more intensive second phase studying hundred of patients in now taking place. It is the first Covid 19 vaccine that has entered phase two of clinical trials, according to the WHO. A 84 year old man in Wuhan was vaccinated Monday, becoming the oldest…

  • Covid-19 News

    China fears ‘second wave’ after six week high in new cases

    China has reported the highest increase in new coronavirus cases, the highest in nearly six weeks sparking fears of a second wave of infections. 108 new cases were reported Sunday, marking the highest number of cases since a peek of 143 cases in early March. Yesterday, The National Health Commission in China confirmed 98 of the 108 new cases were “imported”…

  • Covid-19 News

    Final stages before CP start punching out face masks in Thailand

    The Charoen Pokphand Group also known as CP has announced that the plane that they chartered from China has arrived in Thailand carrying the new mask manufacturing machine and materials to complete the face mask assembling. CP’s senior chairman Dhanin Chearavanont, says that they’ve invested around 100 million baht to build the factory to produce surgical face masks for medical…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19: Your questions answered

    by Andrew J Wood We are living in extraordinary times. With the world forced into a complete shutdown and travel by any means frowned upon and commercial aircraft largely grounded GLOBALLY we are all in #StayAtHome so we can #TravelTomorrow mode. Our national leaders are also making televised addresses reinforcing the gravitas of the moment. No-one captured the mood of…

  • Covid-19 News

    CP will start production of medical masks in Thailand

    4 weeks ago the Charoen Pokphand Group announced plans to build a factory specifically to start the production of medical masks for medical personnel and Thai citizens. CP has now bought an automatic medical mask machine from China with the ability to produce 50,000 medical masks per day. In the past 3 weeks, the CP group has been constructing the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Japan offers anti-flu drug Avigan for free to fight coronavirus

    Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe says Japan is offering the anti-flu drug Avigan free of charge to countries battling the Covid-19 coronavirus. The drug, developed by a group firm of Fujifilm Holdings, has shown early signs of being effective in helping to treat the virus. Chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference that some 30 countries have made requests…

  • Covid-19 News

    New Covid-19 test kits produced in Thailand

    Today the first batch of 20,000 new Covid-19 test kits, developed by a joint effort of the Siam Bioscience and The Department of Medical Science, has been delivered to Government House. Each locally produced test kit costs around 1,500 baht each, while imported ones will cost about 4,500 baht each. The association of Siam Bioscience and The Department of Medical Science…