Vietnamese man inherits 1.4 million baht from elderly mother-in-law’s banknote

A Vietnamese man cared for his frail and elderly mother-in-law at home, fulfilling his wife’s wishes to have her close by. This action yielded unexpected rewards when the woman’s death led to accidental wealth for him and his wife.
Minh, a Vietnamese man, and his family welcomed his sick and elderly mother-in-law into their home as per the request of his wife. Despite having two sons, the old woman received no attention from them, and they claimed their funds weren’t sufficient to pay for her care.
Even though Minh was an in-law and his family’s financial status was no better than her actual sons, he took on the role of caregiver with full dedication. But after an ongoing battle with her health and advancing age, she tragically passed away.
Before her death, however, she gave Minh a 50,000 Dong note (approximately 70 Baht), warning him not to use it but to offer it up for sale in a year or two.
After her demise, her two biological sons suddenly showed up at her funeral, asking for help with costs. Though Minh considered their actions extreme given their previous disregard for their mother, he had no desire to instigate a family feud during the grieving period. He, therefore, gave them the remainder of the funds meant for the funeral expenses.
The 50,000 Dong note was forgotten by Minh until a stranger visited a year after the mother-in-law’s death, inquiring about old banknotes. Realising the old woman’s instruction about the note, Minh rushed to retrieve it and handed it to the visitor.
He was stunned when the stranger proposed to buy the note for 1,000,000,000 Dong (around 1.4 million Baht) and also offer an additional piece of land. The news quickly spread, leaving many in disbelief that an old banknote could be worth such a vast sum, reported Sanook.
Remembering the woman’s last wish, Minh and his wife decided to sell it. They were under the impression that their fortune was a result of good luck but soon discovered it was all part of a strategic plan. It turned out the visitor was a friend of the mother-in-law who was entrusted with her money and land. The mother-in-law originally wanted to test her actual sons’ integrity but had inadvertently given the wealth to Minh, the most caring among them.
Minh invested the funds into real estate, a venture that progressively earned him more profit. He used the land to construct rental houses and acquired more properties over the years that turned profitable.
However, this tale is more about Minh’s unassuming dedication to caring for his mother-in-law without expecting anything in return. His genuine act earned him admiration and respect from many and eventually led to an unimaginable reward for his noble deed.