Phuket’s Patong beachfront to host air-sea rescue exercise

Photo courtesy of Phuket News

The beachfront of Patong in Phuket is set to become a stage for an elaborate display of emergency preparedness.

The impending air-sea rescue exercise, initially slated to take place later this month, is part of a series of events aimed at showcasing the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety of tourists, announced Phuket Governor Sophon Suwannarat yesterday.

The mock disaster scenario is designed to instil confidence in tourists, demonstrating that Phuket is a safe destination. The Governor’s remarks were made during a meeting at the Phuket Provincial Hall.

The assembly was attended by key figures including Royal Thai Police spokesperson Police Lieutenant General Achayon Kraithong, Tourist Police Region 3 Commander Major General Krit Warit, and Paitoon Chutimakornkul, advisor to the prime minister, along with a host of representatives from local government agencies.

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During the meeting, Paitoon highlighted the prime minister’s concerns regarding Phuket. These included drug eradication, elimination of foreign mafia presence, tourist safety and the implementation of measures to regulate nightlife venues, including a 4am closure rule. The focus was also placed on drink-driving prevention, intensive patrols and an integrated CCTV network to enhance security across the province.

Emphasizing the need for proactive crime prevention, the Thai PM’s advisor stressed the importance of promoting a secure image of Phuket to boost tourist confidence. Attendees of the meeting were briefed on the details of the upcoming emergency response exercise, further underlining the government’s commitment to public safety.

The exercise scheduled off Patong will simulate a tour boat caught in adverse weather conditions, with strong winds and high waves causing injury to people on board, mirroring the tragic Phoenix tour boat incident of 2018 that resulted in the deaths of 47 Chinese tourists, reported Phuket News.

The exercise is not just a demonstration but a comprehensive test of the emergency response plans, mobilizing all forces to ensure the readiness to protect both the residents and tourists of Phuket. Originally slated for November 26, the exercise is now set to take place on December 1, providing a tangible testament to the government’s ongoing commitment to safety.

Phuket NewsTourism News

Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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