More than 3,000 ya bah pills seized in May

PHUKET: Statistics released by the Phuket Provincial Police show that 3,183 ya bah (methamphetamine) pills were seized by police, with 71 arrests made in connection with the drug, between May 1 and 25. Seizures of ecstasy were also up on last month’s figures.
In total, 121 people were arrested on drug-related charges. The second most commonly seized intoxicants were solvents such as glue and paint thinners, with 27 arrests made. There was a large increase in the amount of ecstasy discovered on the island with 68 pills and, according to the police statistics, 21 bottles confiscated, leading to five arrests, one for supplying and four for possession with intent to supply. This is up from last month when only one ecstasy-related arrest was made.
Arrests were also made in connection to marijuana and krathom, an indigenous plant that has a stimulant effect, with 12 and six people charged respectively
Gambling, however, resulted in the largest number of arrests in May with 166 people arrested. Seventeen of the cases concerned the underground lottery.
Three murders and one attempted murder were reported during the period, with one arrest made.
There were 82 reports of fraud and six of embezzlement. One snatch-and-run theft was reported, and 33 other cases of theft of property. In addition, three cars and four motorcycles were reported stolen. Three people have been arrested in connection with the missing motorcycles.
Sixty-three people were arrested for working illegally and 33 were arrested for offenses related to prostitution.
Six people were arrested for possession of unlicensed firearms and two were caught distributing pornographic material.
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