Biggest turtle of the season nests in Khao Lampi-Hat Thai Mueang park

Picture courtesy of Khao Lampi-Hat Thai Mueang National Park

A thrilling discovery was made at the Khao Lampi-Hat Thai Mueang National Park in Phang Nga, located to the north of Phuket, when park officials stumbled upon a turtle’s nest filled with eggs. This wasn’t just any turtle, however. The creature that had laid these eggs was believed to be the largest to have come ashore for nesting during the current season.

The turtle, affectionately dubbed Big Mum, was witnessed making her way to the northern end of the beach, approximately a kilometre south of Thung Samet Khao, in the early hours of yesterday. The evidence of her presence was marked by distinctive tracks in the sand, discovered by the park’s officers at around 3.13am.

These tracks were no ordinary ones. With a shell width of 130 centimetres and a flipper span of 220 centimetres, they painted a picture of a truly massive turtle. But that wasn’t all that was found. There also lay a nest, with a depth of 85 centimetres and a width of 25 centimetres. The nest was filled with 139 eggs, 102 of which were successfully fertilised, while the remaining 37 were determined to be hollow, reported The Phuket News.

This nest was not the first to be found in Khao Lampi-Hat Thai Mueang National Park. It was the fourth discovery this nesting season and the fifth overall in the area by park officials. However, its location presented a potential danger. Situated in an area prone to flooding during high tide, the survival of the eggs was at risk.

To safeguard the future of these potential hatchlings, the eggs were carefully relocated to a new site close to the Tourist Service Centre. This centre serves as a hub for the park’s officers, making it an ideal location for close monitoring. The park’s staff and officers are committed to ensuring the nest remains undisturbed, whether by natural predators or human interference.

The anticipation now builds as the waiting game begins. It is expected that within 55 to 60 days, the beach will be graced with the sight of tiny hatchlings making their way to the sea. If all goes according to plan, this event should occur around February 22 to February 27, marking an exciting moment for both the park’s officers and the many visitors of Khao Lampi-Hat Thai Mueang National Park.

Phuket News

Mitch Connor

Mitch is a Bangkok resident, having relocated from Southern California, via Florida in 2022. He studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers before moving to Thailand.

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