Arrests for illegal firearms rise

PHUKET: Twenty-five people were arrested for possession of unlicensed firearms from February 1 to 28, compared with 10 arrests during the same period in January, according to the latest crime statistics released by Phuket Provincial Police.
Gambling again saw the most arrests with 260 people charged, and 57 people were arrested for drug-related cases.
Cases involving ya bah (methamphetamine) totaled 31, with 25 arrests made and 593.5 pills seized.
Fifteen people were arrested for sniffing glue or paint thinners, 11 for possession of marijuana with 737.46 grams seized, and three for possession of Ecstasy. Four arrests involved krathom, with 102 leaves and one bottle of krathom-based intoxicant confiscated by police.
Eighty-six cases of theft were reported to the police, including 12 stolen motorcycles and three cars. Arrests were made in 39 cases.
Four murders were reported, arrests were made for three of them. Eight arrests were made in the five cases of attempted murder reported. There were 12 reports of assault with arrests made in eight of those cases.
Two rapes were reported with arrests made in both cases.
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