Phuket Poll: Underpass project will worsen traffic

PHUKET: Results of the latest online poll reveal that a majority of Phuket Gazette readers are pessimistic about the 450mn baht underpass to be built at the Bang Khu Intersection in Koh Kaew.

By a wide majority, readers in all three demographic groups thought the project would worsen traffic flow in the area rather than improve it.


The poll, launched on May 7, asked readers: “The final design for the Bt450mn underpass at the Bang Khu Intersection in Koh Kaew has been approved. Although Thepkrasattri Road will be widened to eight lanes in the area, southbound traffic will still have to wait at a stop light before accessing the bypass road. How will this project affect traffic flow after it is completed?”

Overall, five times as many voters (68.6%) thought the project would worsen traffic, than those who believed it would improve it (13.2%).

The most popular replies were “drastically worse” (36.6%) and “significantly worse” (32%).

In stark contrast, only 3.4% of those taking part thought the project would cause a “great improvement”, while just 9.8% thought the project would cause a “significant improvement”.

Almost one-fifth of voters overall (18.2%) thought the project would have no significant impact on the traffic situation in Bang Khu.


In a breakdown by demographic, Thais were the most likely to answer that the project would have a negative impact. Four-fifths of Thais taking-part (80%) thought the project would worsen traffic in the area, compared to just 15% who thought it would improve the flow.

Almost half (45%) of those identifying themselves as Thai predicted the project would result in a “drastic” worsening.

This was also the most popular choice among expats (35%) and tourists (34%).

To view the complete poll results click here.

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To vote in the new poll, on the issue of English-language proficiency in the Phuket tourism industry, click here.

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