Myanmar upheaval “no cause for concern’

PHUKET CITY: The current political upheaval in Myanmar should not cause any material changes to the position of Burmese labourers in Phuket, the Superintendent of Phuket Immigration Office, Pol Col Witawat Buranasompop, said today.

Col Witawat told the Gazette that his office had been advised by the national immigration office to monitor Burmese labourers on the island in the wake of the ousting and arrest of Burmese Prime Minister Khin Nyunt.

Observers have predicted a flood of Burmese people entering Thailand, fleeing the repression expected under Khin Nyunt’s replacement, the reputed hardliner Soe Win (known by Thais as Mong Ae).

However, Col Witawat said there had been little change in his office with regard to Burmese labourers already here.

“People using Burmese labor in Phuket and the rest of Thailand were told to have their workers registered, and the period for that to be done has expired,” he said.

Col Witawat said he believed the Marine Police has also received advice from their national office, following the developments in Burma, but, said Col Witawat, “We have been monitoring the Burmese labour issue routinely; these are not special measures.”

He added that there are about 30,000 Burmese workers registed on Phuket, and that it was likely Phuket Immigration would launch a crackdown on alien labour in November.

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