Rolled dice: Police shuffled as casino thrives under their watch in Chiang Mai

Five police officers were transferred for recklessness after allowing gambling dens to operate under their noses following a Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA) raid at the 89 CLUB Casino, in Chiang Mai province.
The raid was conducted following a complaint filed by the Ministry of Interior. A resident urged the ministry to investigate a casino in Chiang Mai where over 100 gamblers were known to participate daily. According to the locals, the operator had two gambling houses open all day and night where patrons were offered hi-lo, dragon-tiger cards, and baccarat.
The Interior Ministry investigated the complaint with the DOPA until the gambling dens were discovered. Officers discovered that the two gambling houses were owned by the same operator and were alternately operated to avoid the police.
According to the police, each building could accommodate up to 300 gamblers and had only one entrance. Two guards were always at the door to assess the influx of visitors while other guards patrolled the car park. Gamblers are not allowed to use their mobile phone inside the casino and had to leave their phones with the staff.
Food and beverages were available inside the building and fish table games were on offer not for gambling but for entertainment.
Following an initial investigation, the DOPA yesterday orchestrated a raid at one of the gambling dens where officers apprehended 104 gamblers and confiscated 31 cars and 10 motorcycles belonging to the group in the Santitham neighbourhood of Chang Phuak district. Officers also seized a huge amount of cash, but the exact amount was not disclosed.
All 104 suspects were charged with organising and playing illegal gambling games. The penalty will be imprisonment of up to two years, a fine of up to 2,000 baht, or both. Information about the casino operators and owners of the building was not mentioned.
The Commissioner of the Chiang Mai Provincial Police, Thawatchai Pongwiwattanachai, reported to ThaiRath that the gambling dens were supervised by Chang Phuak Police Station. The police station has been accused of recklessly performing duties which led to the operation of illegal businesses in the area.
Thawatchai said five officers, from the superintendent to other high-rank officers, were transferred to the Chiang Mai Provincial Police headquarters while the committee is investigating them.