Heavy rain warning across Thailand, strong winds raise flood risk

Heavy rain and flash floods are forecast across Thailand today with a 70% chance of Bangkok being affected. Compelling precautions, the Thai Meteorological Department has warned residents in at-risk areas.
The Meteorological Department reports that for the next 24 hours, beginning from 6pm yesterday until 6pm today, heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected across the northern, central, and eastern regions of Thailand. Some areas in the southern region on the Andaman Sea coast can expect very heavy downpours. Citizens in these regions are warned of the dangers associated with heavy to very heavy rainfall and accumulated rain, which may lead to flash floods and forest runoff, particularly in areas near slopes, riverbanks, and low-lying land.
These weather conditions can be attributed to the current strong southwest monsoon, which covers the Andaman Sea, Thailand, and the Gulf of Thailand, and is accompanied by a low-pressure system in the west of the central region. Strong wind waves have been observed in the Andaman Sea, with wave heights reaching 2-3 metres and over 3 metres in thunderstorm-affected areas.
In the Gulf of Thailand, wave heights are seen to reach 1-2 metres, exceeding 2 metres during thunderstorms, reported Sanook.
Boat operators in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand are being urged to exercise caution and avoid sailing in areas experiencing thunderstorms. For small boats in the Andaman Sea, it is advised to avoid heading out to sea until June 6.
Yesterday, several areas in the Bangkok area experienced moderate to heavy rain, with the Bang Khun Thian district facing the highest rainfall. This severe weather caused flooding, some of which has now reportedly returned to normal. Bangkok authorities are preparing for the full impact of the rainy season and are working on tracking the situation before, during, and after rainfall to ease residents’ distress. To read more click HERE.