Miracle cosmetics offering: Woman wins lottery after praying to legendary goddess

A significant number of tourists have been visiting Bosot Prawat Pho temple and the shrine of the goddess Monthatip in Thailand’s central Samut Songkhram province, to seek luck and prosperity in their lives and businesses. Among them, Wassana Baisamut, a 49 year old restaurant owner, attributes her fortunate lottery win and booming business to offerings made to Monthatip, drawing further crowds to the temple.
Visitors flock to the temple to worship the sacred Phra Phuttha Nil Manee and join the long queues for a chance to pay their respects. Many believe that by asking for blessings, they will bring good fortune and wealth back home. In addition to worshipping at the temple, numerous devotees bring sachets of boiled rice to offer outside the temple’s main hall.
Wassana Baisamut, who owns a grilled pork restaurant in Samut Sakhon province, came to the temple after winning the lottery multiple times using numbers she asked for at Monthatip shrine. In her most recent win, she secured the number 99, which won her the last two digits of the prize. Today, she offered cosmetic products to Monthatip to thank the Goddess for her prosperity.
The Goddess Monthatip, also known as Chanthra Chao, is known for her successful military skills in defending her kingdom, magical abilities, and mystical knowledge that remains to this day. Legend says that after the fall of Ayutthaya, Monthatip managed to survive and continued to protect the Bang Kung region, offering blessings and help to those in need. Many devotees believe in her miraculous powers and bring their troubles to her shrine, hoping she will grant their prayers for fortune and luck.
As a result, Monthatip’s shrine has become a popular destination for those seeking good luck in various aspects of their lives, ranging from finances to personal matters. By offering food and other gifts to the goddess, visitors believe they secure her blessings and bring prosperity, success, and fortune into their lives.