Police shoot and kill Thai drug suspect in Cambodia car chase

Police shot and killed a Thai drug suspect in Cambodia yesterday while chasing two cars in the capital city of Phnom Penh. The suspect, along with others, had been smuggling 20 kilograms of narcotics, including ketamine. Anti-drug police said the suspects hid the drugs among flowers.
The police opened fire on the suspects’ car, killing a Thai man identified as 28 year old James. Three other suspects were injured, and two women in a tuk-tuk were also hurt when one of the suspects’ cars hit the tuk-tuk.
The police confiscated 30 pieces of brown DMA, 12 pieces of ketamine, and the two cars.
In recent years, East and Southeast Asia have reported a rise in synthetic drugs, including ecstasy, ketamine, and cannabinoids. The chief of the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section, Justice Tettey, said in 2020…
“It is clear that the synthetic drug market in East and Southeast Asia is dynamic and continues to evolve.”
The UN Office of Drugs and Crime has worked closely with Thailand and other countries in the region through the Global SMART Programme and Mekong MOU on Drug Control to monitor the drug situation and provide advice on cooperation, detection, precursor chemical control, and public health strategies, and to help countries collaborate on joint and border operations.
SOURCE: Khmer Times