Malaysians plan ‘Cannaverse’ on Sukhumvit Road

Malaysian investors want to build a cannabis entertainment centre in Bangkok to open next year.
“Cannaverse” will be a private, members-only club with a hotel, swimming pool, weed dispensary, spa, restaurant, and karaoke room on Soi Sukhumvit 33, according to Coconuts.
Cannaverse director Aric Ng said that food and beverages will be sold, including both cannabis-infused and weed-free beer.
Ng said…
“After dinner, if they don’t feel like going home, they can spend one night in one of our five hotel rooms.”
The complex should be completed around February. Ng and his partners, Mycannabiz Global, are among the many foreign investors contemplating plundering the nascent Thai weed industry following its decriminalisation in June.
NG said…
“The Thai government is very brave, Thai people are allowed to grow. By 2024, our plan is to establish 500 rai (about 1 kilometre square) of plantations.”
Ng hopes that success in Thailand will give Malaysian investors confidence in cannabis and help persuade Kuala Lumpur to reconsider its anti-cannabis stance. Malaysian legislation provides for a mandatory death penalty for convicted drug traffickers. If you are arrested in possession of 1200 grams of marijuana, you will be presumed by law to be trafficking in drugs.