2019: It’s all about you

2019 comes with all sorts of expectations – a new beginning, a renaissance, a rebirth. You may be looking ahead for individual tweaks and improvements or perhaps you want to change something altogether.

From cutting out chocolate to saturated fats, many will look at altering their figure. Thanks to numerous technological advancements and greater accessibility to overseas travel, you may wish to combine a procedure with a foreign Holiday.

From Bali to Bangkok, you can now experience similar standards of care with significantly reduced prices across a variety of invasive and non-invasive treatments, for example CoolSculpting, Hair Transplant, Face lift or a Tummy Tuck.

What better way to relax and recover after your procedure in some of the world’s most exotic locations and whether basking on a beach or recuperating in a stunning resort setting nearby, combining your health and beauty with a unique holiday is just what the doctor ordered.

No need to worry about the standard of healthcare as it is precisely the same if not better than back home. You will get treated in exemplary medical facilities and clinics which offer state of the art diagnostic equipment and dedicated bilingual nurses. The opportunity to be pampered as a part of an inexpensive procedure is an undeniable bonus.

medical.thethaiger.com offer patients a one-stop platform to help you plan the perfect medical tourism experience. They have partnered with a host of JCI-accredited facilities where you can expect nothing but the finest treatment as well as top-quality cosmetic procedures.

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