Sunday Covid numbers, sixth day of climbing infections

A new high today, the sixth day in a row where the new infection numbers have been slowly rising again in Thailand. Today’s total of 10,879 new infections is the highest since October 14 last year when the numbers were trending down following the Delta (third) wave was sweeping through Thailand (from July to November 2021).

Out of today’s new infections, 178 were detected from people arriving from overseas. There were also 20 new Covid-related deaths reported in the past 24 hours. 91,037 patients remain in care and 8,285 were discharged from State care.

Phuket reported 415 new infections Sunday, as the island continues to grapple with a larger proportion of positive tests from overseas arrivals, mostly in the Sandbox program.

Meanwhile, Thailand’s Department of Disease Control is calling for calm in the wake of the steadily rising totals, saying that there should be no need for concern until the new case numbers reach over 30,000. Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, the director-general of the DDC, says that the best thing people can do is adhere to the current preventative measures.

“The number is in line with our observation that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is highly transmissible.”

The accumulated death toll in Thailand stands at 22,291 since the beginning of the pandemic. On August 18 last year Thailand reached it’s highest day of total infections in one 24 hour period with 23,418.

Sunday Covid numbers, sixth day of climbing infections | News by Thaiger


Around the world there is a noticeable drop in new infection reports as the so-called ‘Omicron wave’ is now starting to wane. But the global Covid-related death rate numbers are on the rise again.

Sunday Covid numbers, sixth day of climbing infections | News by ThaigerSunday Covid numbers, sixth day of climbing infections | News by Thaiger


Covid-19 NewsThailand News


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