
If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff.
  • Northern Thailand NewsUPDATE: Parents report daughter located in Bangkok

    UPDATE: Parents report daughter located in Bangkok

    UPDATE from earlier story… below • The missing girl has been located in Bangkok, according to her parents • They told police that she has lied to them before and that last night’s story had been fabricated by her • The girl’s boyfriend has returned to his work in Kalasin after hearing his ‘girlfriend’ had been located in Bangkok •…

  • World NewsBurmese kids dodging cows and cow dung to play rugby

    Burmese kids dodging cows and cow dung to play rugby

    by Richard Sargent – PHOTOS: AFP It’s a case of dung and dragons. Sidestepping cowpats and garbage, Myanmar’s only home-grown junior rugby side train on the outskirts of Yangon, preparing to take on children from the city’s well-heeled international schools. When the Little Dragons aren’t running barefoot on the litter-strewn dirt, the makeshift field on the outskirts of Yangon is sometimes used…

  • Northern Thailand NewsUdonthani girl wakes up in a mystery forest after getting on interprovincial bus

    Udonthani girl wakes up in a mystery forest after getting on interprovincial bus

    PHOTOS: Sanook An Udonthani girl has gone missing since getting on a tour bus heading to neighbouring Kalasin Province. She called her mother and fiancé with “fear in her voice” claiming that she woke up in the middle of a forest with other passengers and had no idea where they were. No one has heard from her, or the other…

  • World NewsMugabe’s body leaves Singapore, headed back to Zimbabwe

    Mugabe’s body leaves Singapore, headed back to Zimbabwe

    A hearse carrying the body of Zimbabwe’s ex-president Robert Mugabe left a funeral parlour in Singapore this morning bound for an airport. His body will be repatriated to Zimbabwe for burial. Mugabe, a guerrilla leader who swept to power after Zimbabwe’s independence from Britain and went on to rule for 37 years until he was ousted in 2017, died last Friday,…

  • World NewsSmoke haze affecting neighbouring countries to Sumatra and Borneo islands

    Smoke haze affecting neighbouring countries to Sumatra and Borneo islands

    PHOTO: Malaysia’s Kuching on Borneo this week “Hundreds of schools shut as forest-fire haze blankets SE Asia.” Huge fires are raging across vast swathes of Indonesia’s rainforests – some of the world’s biggest – with toxic smog shutting hundreds of schools. Massive jungle areas in Sumatra and Borneo island are ablaze as thousands of personnel battle to quell the fires, frequently…

  • Bangkok NewsImmigration police conduct spot-check of Nana area of Bangkok

    Immigration police conduct spot-check of Nana area of Bangkok

    PHOTOS: Naew Na Immigration police headed to the Nana area of Bangkok to inspect businesses and operators last night in the popular market zone. The ‘walk thru’ started at 8 pm as Immigration police visited Sois 3 – 5 along Sukhumvit Road checking on foreign workers and work permits. Immigration officials say there were no arrests during their unannounced visit.…

  • World NewsPound lifted by British PM’s latest defeat, Asian equities struggle

    Pound lifted by British PM’s latest defeat, Asian equities struggle

    The British pound bounced today after UK PM Boris Johnson again failed to get MPs to back a snap election, while Asian equities drifted as investors await a key European Central Bank meeting and developments in the China-US trade talks. Just before Westminster lawmakers broke up for five weeks they inflicted yet another defeat on the new PM, who has…

  • World CupSiaran langsung untuk Indonesia – Kualifikasi Piala Dunia Thailand, malam ini

    Siaran langsung untuk Indonesia – Kualifikasi Piala Dunia Thailand, malam ini

    Setelah mengalami kemunduran dalam pembukaannya, baik “Garuda” dan “War Elephants” Thailand saling berhadapan dalam pertandingan kedua Kualifikasi Piala Dunia FIFA 2022 di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno di Jakarta ,malam ini. Pertandingan ini adalah salah satu dari pertandingan paling penting yang dimainkan malam ini ,Dan paling di nantikan bagi para penggemar sepak bola Indonesian mau pun Thailand Current standings Sementara Thailand…

  • World CupLive broadcast for Singapore – Palestine World Cup qualifier tonight

    Live broadcast for Singapore – Palestine World Cup qualifier tonight

    Singapore and Palestine meet up tonight for the Group D match in the World Cup qualifying matches for the Asia region. The match is a vital part of their journey following last Thursday’s 2-2 draw against Yemen. Current standings Singapore will be without veteran forward Khairul Amri who withdrew before the series and the Japanese coach Tatsuma Yoshida admits he…

  • World Cupဂ်ပန္လက္ေရြးစင္အသင္းဟာ၂၀၂၂ ေျခစစ္ပြဲစဥ္အျဖစ္ျမန္မာအသင္းနဲ႔ ရင္ဆိုင္ ရန္ နာရီပိုင္းအလို။

    ဂ်ပန္လက္ေရြးစင္အသင္းဟာ၂၀၂၂ ေျခစစ္ပြဲစဥ္အျဖစ္ျမန္မာအသင္းနဲ႔ ရင္ဆိုင္ ရန္ နာရီပိုင္းအလို။

    Myanmar hosts Asian heavyweights Japan in the second match of their 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers campaign at the Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon tonight. Live link below… ျမန္မာ သာမက ကမာၻက ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ေနသည့္ Japanese Messi (Kubo) ျမန္မာအသင္းနဲ႔ ကမၻာ႔ဖလားေျခစစ္ပြဲကစားဖို႔အတြက္ နာမည္ၾကီးဂ်ပန္အသင္းကေတာ့ ေရာက္ရွိလို႔ ေနခ့ဲပါျပီ။ ၂၀၂၂ ကမၻာ႔ဖလားျပိဳင္ပြဲေျခစစ္ပြဲအတြက္ ျမန္မာအသင္းဟာ ဂ်ပန္နဲ႔ တစ္အုပ္စုတည္းက်ေရာက္ေနခဲ့ျပီး ျမန္မာနဲ႔ရင္ဆိုင္ရမယ့္ လူစာရင္းမွာ ဥေရာပအေျခစိုက္ ကစားသမားေတြ ပါ၀င္လာခဲ့တာကို ေတြ႕ရမွာပါ။ ဒီအတြက္ ျမန္မာပရိသတ္ေတြဆီက စိတ္လႈပ္ရွားေနတဲ့ အသံေတြကို ၾကားသိျမင္ေတြ႕ေနရပါတယ္။ အထူးသျဖင့္ေတာ့ ရီးရဲလ္မက္ဒရစ္ကို ေျပာင္းေရႊ႕ခဲ့ျပီး (လက္ရွိ မာေယာ့ကာမွာ…

  • World Cupप्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण – विश्व कप क्वालिफायर नेपाल बनाम चिनियाँ ताइपे

    प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण – विश्व कप क्वालिफायर नेपाल बनाम चिनियाँ ताइपे

    g]kfn / rfO{lgh tfOk] lj?4sf] v]nÙ tfOjfg l:yt rfO{lgh tfOk]sf] xf]d u|fp08 ætfOk] :6]l8odÆ df v]Ng] hgfOPsf] 5 . v]n g]kfnL ;do cg’;f/ cfh lbpF;f]sf] $M%% af6 ;’? x’g]5 . ;d’x r/0fsf] bf]>f] v]ndf g]kfnn] t’ngfTds ?kdf ;xh dflgPsf] k|ltåGbL rfO{lgh tfOk];uF v]Ng nfu]sf] xf] . ljZjsk km’6an @)@@ sf] 5gf]6 k|ltof]lutfsf] klxnf] v]n g]kfnsf] nflu lgs} lg/fzhgs /x]sf] lyof]…

  • OpinionThai government introduces new TM30T, to keep track of Thais

    Thai government introduces new TM30T, to keep track of Thais

    PHOTO: One of the new test shopping centre locations for the new Waer Areuw program The Thai government is introducing a new method of cracking down on home-made criminals. In a reversal of its former policy “Good guys in, bad guys in”, the government’s criminal enhancement department is phasing in the new laws that will require Thai to report their…

  • World CupLive Broadcast Guam VS Philippines – World Cup Qualifier Round 2, Group A

    Live Broadcast Guam VS Philippines – World Cup Qualifier Round 2, Group A

    Both teams have been preparing furiously for today’s game. The Philippine’s head coach isn’t taking the preparations lying down… “It’s very difficult for us because we coming back after a very tough match and we do some very excellent preparation for this match, but like I said it will be difficult match and we hope all the best for our…

  • Phuket News“Don’t extend opening hours to 4am” – Tourist zones

    “Don’t extend opening hours to 4am” – Tourist zones

    “Think again about extending pub opening hours to 4am in tourist areas”. That’s the advice from Dr Mohamed Fahmy Tale, an advocate for alcohol control, directed to Thailand’s tourism minister, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn. Manager Online says that he wants the government to focus more on safety rather than encouraging more drinking. The Tourism and Sports Minister, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, had proposed an extension…

  • Environment NewsThailand’s southern provinces suffering Sumatran burn-off smoke haze

    Thailand’s southern provinces suffering Sumatran burn-off smoke haze

    Smoke drifting across the Malacca Strait from Sumatran forest fires in Indonesia is affecting the health of locals and tourists in the southern province of Songkhla. According to the Pollution Control Department, the volume of dust measured in the Thai tourist district of Hat Yai during the past 24 hours was 51 micrograms per cubic metre. The world-standard upper level…

  • Politics NewsOpposition says Thammanat should not have been appointed minister

    Opposition says Thammanat should not have been appointed minister

    PHOTO: Bangkok Post “It is old stuff from the opposing political group. I know all of them. Don’t pay any attention to them. I do not give them any importance.” A government opposition spokesman, Adisorn Piangkate, says he would not have appointed Captain Thammanat Prompow as deputy agriculture minister if he were the PM due to the minister’s “tainted record”. He…

  • Thai LifeAustralian newspaper reports on Thai minister’s criminal drug past

    Australian newspaper reports on Thai minister’s criminal drug past

    The Deputy Agriculture Minister Thammanat Prompow has had his accounts about his role in a 3.2 kilogram heroin-smuggling ring challenged by an Australian newspaper. The events back in 1993 landed Thammanat in a Sydney jail for four years. Thammanat Prompow is the Palang Pracharath MP for Phayao province in Thialand’s north. The article by the respected Sydney Morning Herald, “From…

  • World NewsChina’s exports fell last month in lead up to next month’s trade talks

    China’s exports fell last month in lead up to next month’s trade talks

    China’s exports fell 1% on-year last month amid the bruising trade war with the US that is disrupting markets in the world’s top two economies. The drop comes after a surprise 3.3% rebound in July despite the year-long battle with the US and weakening global demand. But economists cited by Bloomberg had forecast a 2.2% rise ahead of the release of…

  • Bangkok NewsHM Queen Sirikit returns to hospital for examination

    HM Queen Sirikit returns to hospital for examination

    Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, the Queen Mother, has been admitted to Chulalongkorn Hospital in Bangkok for follow-up examinations. According to the announcement from the Bureau of the Royal Household, which was issued yesterday, the Queen Mother was admitted to Chulalongkorn University on Saturday on the advice of doctors for a previously scheduled follow-up on her condition and some additional examinations.…

  • Thailand Weather UpdatesWeekend flooding threatens provinces in the Chao Phraya basin

    Weekend flooding threatens provinces in the Chao Phraya basin

    PHOTO: The Royal Irrigation Department has issued an urgent flood alert for seven provinces as more water is released from the reservoirs feeding the Chao Phraya dam at Chai Nat province in central Thailand (map below). Residents in the seven provinces are being advised to monitor water levels closely as the water is released. Uthai Thani, Chai Nat, Sing…

  • Northern Thailand NewsFlood waters reach Roi Et in Thailand’s north-east

    Flood waters reach Roi Et in Thailand’s north-east

    PHOTOS: Thai Rath Run-off from last week’s heavy rains around Khon Kaen and parts of the north-east, have now made their way to the province of Roi-Et, south east of Khon Kaen. A large number of households and farming areas are now flooded after concrete barriers in Nong Hin Village of Panomprai District were breached by strong currents, according to…

  • World NewsSuicide bomber explodes bomb at Philippine army base, Jolo Island

    Suicide bomber explodes bomb at Philippine army base, Jolo Island

    PHOTO: AFP/Ted Aljibe “No group has yet claimed the attack, which came a day after an IS-claimed bombing wounded eight at a market on the island of Mindanao.” A suicide bomber, dressed in a traditional Muslim woman’s abaya gown, has died after detonating a bomb outside a military camp in the southern Philippines. No other casualties were reported, authorities said.…

  • Northern Thailand NewsPolice arrest Chiang Rai woman with thousands of counterfeit US0 bills

    Police arrest Chiang Rai woman with thousands of counterfeit US$100 bills

    PHOTOS: Facebook/32nd Border Patrol Police Counterfeit US dollar banknotes valued more than 16 million baht have been seized at a Chiang Rai house after police organised a sting. A 54 year old woman was arrested over the matter last Thursday. The sting followed a tip off to border patrol police about the fake USD notes being circulated around tambon Rim…

  • World News“If you want to shoot me, get on with it,” British grandmother

    “If you want to shoot me, get on with it,” British grandmother

    A British woman facing the firing squad in Indonesia told British reporters from her Bali prison “if you want to shoot me get on with it”. She faces execution for drug smuggling. The 62 year old drug mule grandmother has abandoned any further legal battles to avoid a date with the firing squad. Lindsay Sandiford was sentenced to death for attempting…

  • World News450 vaping-related cases now reported in the US, 3 deaths, possible links to THC

    450 vaping-related cases now reported in the US, 3 deaths, possible links to THC

    …and US health officials are trying to isolate the possible causes and if they can link the cases to any particular chemical or product vapers use. Vaping is currently illegal in Thailand with tourists prevented bringing in vaping-related products and refills, and crackdowns on local sellers frequent. Meanwhile, US health officials say they’re now aware of at least 450 possible…

  • Phuket NewsPhuket’s Katathani Beach Resort land under investigation

    Phuket’s Katathani Beach Resort land under investigation

    The Katathani Phuket Beach Resort, sprawled along Kata Noi’s small beach on Phuket, is the latest subject of investigation by the Phuket Provincial Land Office. The investigation team has been given 30 days to complete its review by the Phuket Governor. The latest investigations are the latest in a tit-for-tat battle between the owners of the Katathani Phuket Beach Resort…

  • Economy NewsWhat goes up must come down – the battle of the baht

    What goes up must come down – the battle of the baht

    Newton’s law looms over the Thai baht. Meanwhile, the Thai baht continues to be the best performing currency in Asia. The Thai currency is riding a 6-year high against the USD and, this year, has surged 8% against the US currency. But the strong baht is causing knock-on effects to the rest of the Thai economy, battering exports and stifling tourist…

  • Crime NewsSuvarnabhumi baggage handler arrested over 20,000 baht theft

    Suvarnabhumi baggage handler arrested over 20,000 baht theft

    PHOTO: A South Korean tourist was savvy enough to photograph all her holiday money before travelling to Thialand. Her precaution has led to the arrest of a baggage handler at Suvarnabhumi. The South Korean woman took the precaution of photographing all her Thai baht before putting it in a wallet in checked luggage on her flight. When Lee Soyeong travelled…

  • World NewsTortured ‘Joker’, spurned Polanski, win top prizes at Venice film festival

    Tortured ‘Joker’, spurned Polanski, win top prizes at Venice film festival

    “Joaquin Phoenix has remade Batman’s arch-enemy as a “Method psycho, a troublemaker so intense in his cuckoo hostility that even as you’re gawking at his violence, you still feel his pain”. “Joker”, a daring take on the comic book villain starring Joaquin Phoenix, won the Golden Lion for best film at the Venice film festival with Roman Polanski controversially taking…

  • Tourism NewsThe China Syndrome, south east Asia’s tourism dilemma

    The China Syndrome, south east Asia’s tourism dilemma

    PHOTO: Lunar New Year celebrations in Bali – Jakarta Post “When China sneezes, the rest of south east asia catches a cold.” From quiet markets in Malaysia, empty rooms in Hanoi’s hotels and barren beaches in Bali, China’s economic slowdown and weakening yuan are sending shockwaves felt across south east Asia’s vacation belt. Thailand is just one of many countries…