UK News

Boris Johnson claims Covid-19 originated from Chinese lab leak

Johnson shifts stance, suggesting Covid-19 was man-made, not animal-transmitted

Boris Johnson has stated his belief that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from a leak in a Chinese laboratory. This represents a shift from his stance as Prime Minister when he attributed the deaths of over seven million people globally to the virus “jumping species.”

Many scientists, including those involved in a recent landmark study, continue to support the theory of animal-to-human transmission in a Wuhan wildlife market. Researchers found traces of the Covid virus in genetic samples from animals sold there early in the pandemic.


In his new memoir “Unleashed,” Johnson claims, “The awful thing about the whole Covid catastrophe is that it appears to have been entirely man-made.” He suggests the mutation likely resulted from a failed experiment in a Chinese lab, comparing scientists’ actions to the witches in Macbeth.

Johnson is the highest-profile leader since Donald Trump to dismiss the notion that the virus spread to humans from infected animals. Nonetheless, an international study published earlier this month supports the idea that the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan, not merely spreading as a super-spreader event. Researchers argue this is the first time animals potentially responsible for human transmission have been identified.

Kristian Andersen from Scripps Research, an author of the study, stated, “This adds another layer to the accumulating evidence that all points to the same scenario: that infected animals were introduced into the market in mid-to late November 2019, which sparked the pandemic.”


Johnson had previously linked the pandemic to superstitious beliefs in parts of Asia. However, he became more sceptical as information emerged about experiments conducted by Wuhan scientists. In 2023, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News that the agency assessed the pandemic most likely originated from a lab incident.

A 2021 joint China-World Health Organization (WHO) investigation deemed the lab leak theory “extremely unlikely,” though it faced significant criticism. WHO’s director-general has since called for a new inquiry, stating that “all hypotheses remain open and require further study.”

In April 2020, during the UK’s first lockdown, a mainstream media outlet revealed concerns about a potential lab leak in China. A Cobra committee member disclosed that the Government was examining intelligence on an accident at Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, where high-risk experiments on coronaviruses from bats were conducted.

Despite official claims that the virus spread at an animal market in Wuhan, DNA analysis traced Covid-19 back to bats in distant caves. The recent study suggested raccoon dogs, a common animal in East Asia, could have been significant carriers of the virus. Other animals like masked palm civets, hoary bamboo rats, and Malayan porcupines also carried Covid-19 at the wet market.

Florence Débarre of the French National Centre for Scientific Research led the study and noted that many key animal species were removed from the market before the Chinese health team’s arrival. She acknowledged the possibility of a lab leak but dismissed conspiracy theories, stating, “current versions of the lab leak are conspiracy theories,” particularly those suggesting study authors conspired to hide the truth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Did Boris Johnson change his stance on the origin of Covid-19?

Yes, he now believes it likely originated from a Chinese lab leak.

What was Boris Johnson’s previous belief about the Covid-19 origin?

He previously believed the virus ‘jumped species’ from animals to humans.

What do many scientists believe about the origin of Covid-19?

Many scientists support the theory that it originated from a Wuhan wildlife market.

What did a major international study find about the origins of Covid-19?

The study found traces of Covid-19 in animals sold at Wuhan market, suggesting animal-to-human transmission.

What is the stance of the FBI on the origin of Covid-19?

The FBI believes Covid-19 most likely originated from a lab incident in China.


Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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