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Brave children save mum’s life after heart attack

Children's quick actions save mother during severe heart attack

A mother has expressed her gratitude after her quick-witted children saved her life following a severe heart attack. Donna Liddle, 39, was discovered unconscious at home by her children, Oliver, 11, and Arianna, nine. Arianna immediately called 999 upon finding her mother unresponsive, while Oliver placed her in the recovery position.

Paramedics communicated with the courageous siblings before dispatching an emergency crew to their Aberdeen home. Neighbours administered CPR, and emergency responders delivered three defibrillation shocks, successfully restarting Donna’s heart. Following an emergency anaesthetic, Donna was transferred to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, where she remained hospitalised for 15 nights.


Donna commended Oliver and Arianna, who received certificates of commendation and Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) teddies for their bravery. She recounted, “My husband was in London for work, and I was home alone with the children. We were preparing to leave for school when Arianna found me unresponsive on the floor while I was brushing my teeth.”

“She screamed for her brother. Arianna called 999, and Oliver tried to place me in the recovery position. Oliver also spoke to the call handler while Arianna fetched our neighbours. Seeing that I had turned blue and was not breathing, our neighbours began administering CPR before the emergency services arrived.”

Donna added, “My husband and I are incredibly proud of our children. They undoubtedly saved my life, handling a traumatic situation with remarkable composure.” The family later visited Aberdeen Ambulance Station to meet some of the staff involved in the June emergency, including paramedic Monica Hurley.


Donna shared, “My recovery is progressing well. I now have an ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) which should correct any fatal arrhythmia and, if necessary, deliver a shock similar to that of a defibrillator.” “The survival rate for cardiac arrest is low, and I feel very fortunate to be here. The kindness and compassion shown by the SAS staff have been overwhelming. The kids are thrilled with their certificates.”

Monica Hurley remarked, “We are delighted to see Donna’s recovery. Her children’s brave actions saved her life. Early intervention is crucial in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests. It was heartwarming to see Donna and her children again. Their calmness during the incident was remarkable.”

“I’ll always remember the children’s hug after we restored Donna’s heart rhythm and informed them of her stable condition. We wish her the best in her recovery and fundraising.” Donna aims to raise £10,000 for the NHS Grampian Charity’s Cardiology Fund and plans to host a ticketed dinner next March in Aberdeen.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Aberdeen Live reports on an Aberdeen mother, Donna Liddle, who was saved by her quick-thinking children, Oliver and Arianna, after suffering a massive heart attack, highlighting their bravery and the importance of early intervention. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

How did Donna Liddle’s children save her life?

Oliver put her in the recovery position and Arianna called 999.

What actions did the neighbors take when Donna was found unconscious?

The neighbors gave Donna CPR before the emergency services arrived.

How long did Donna Liddle spend in the hospital?

Donna spent 15 nights in the hospital.

What did Donna’s children receive for their bravery?

They received certificates of commendation and Scottish Ambulance Service teddies.

What is Donna Liddle doing to support the NHS Grampian Charity?

She is hosting a ticketed dinner to raise £10,000 for the Cardiology Fund.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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