10 things foreigners find strange about Thailand!! | This is Thailand

If you have ever visited or lived in Thailand, you might find some strange things here. Today, I’ll talk about the 10 things foreigners find strange about Thailand!! Let’s see if you agree or feel the same!!
Thai people have a nickname that is not related to their full- name
In the past, Thais had no nicknames. Some historians assumed that it appeared during King Rama IV when Thai people started to derive Bali or Sanskrit language to create the full name they believed that it was a more beautiful word and had a good meaning. However, it is quite long and so they started to create nicknames for easy to use daily life names and the full-name Thai people to use for formality, especially for government or legal documents. Thai nicknames are created by their parents. It could be anything the parents can’t think of or want, something trendy at the time, a foreign word, a fruit name, an actor or actress name, and more.
Thai people sometimes eat raw instant noodles as a snack
Instant noodles, which we need to boil or put in some hot water before eating, Thai people eat them raw. We just tear a sachet of instant noodles, put its seasoning powder, shake the sachet and then eat it!! It is very popular, especially the MaMa flavour “TumYumKung”. However, it is pretty unhealthy for children and some parents will prohibit their children from eating this fusion snack or they will let the children eat “Chang Noi” instead which is adjusted to be made for kid’s snacks from instant-noodle but with a limited size of bag and quantity of seasoning powder.
Thai people prefer to drink any beverages with ice
Drinking any beverages with ice is normal for Thai people, because the weather is hot, whether it is water, coffee, alcohol or other beverages. It became a normal Thai behavior that you can find it at any restaurant or cafeteria you visit.
Thai people mostly take a shower at least 2 times a day, In the morning before going outside and in the evening after arriving home
The reason is similar to the previous topic. Because our weather is so hot throughout the year and it is easy to sweat and have a bad body smell. Thai people mostly take a shower 2 times a day. However, if they go to other countries where there is cold weather, they might still take a shower 2 times a day, due to habit.
Thai Taxis have various different colors, just like candy
Unlike taxis in other countries that have only one color of their taxi, Thai taxis have several candy-like colors: hot pink, vivid orange, bright blue, yellow-green, etc. You can choose any color because The fare rate will be the same by starting from 35 baht in every Taxi’s color. The colors difference between each type of Thai taxis are just classified by different organisations and individuals.
There are a lot of street food shops here
If you have ever been to a Thai market or some street-food market in Thailand. you will find a variety of food. Moreover, it only starts from 10-20 Baht (around 0.3-0.5 US Dollars), offerings of ready-to-eat meals, snacks, fruits, and drinks are sold by hawkers or vendors at food stalls or food carts on the street side in Thailand. There are many areas that are famous for being a street food centers such as Yaowarat or Chinatown in Bangkok and any markets in any provinces in Thailand.
Thai people text you “555555555” which means they are laugh
“55555” is internet slang for Thai people, not spam. It is not for conversations in Thai but is most commonly used in texting and on social media. “5” or five is called “Ha” in Thai. So, “555” in thai means “Hahaha” or the sound of a laugh. If they use many “5’s”, it means a big long laugh. Try to start typing “55555” to your Thai friends, it will show that you have some understanding of the Thai language and culture.
There are spirit houses in Thai people’s houses and many places in Thailand
Thai people who are Buddhist believe these spirits will bless their home or business or give them luck such as winning some money in the lottery. San Phra Phum can be found around Thai people’s houses or on the corner in every Thai city and town and are seen outside high-rise office blocks, restaurants, department stores, and everything in between. Thai people think the spirit needs food. so, we give rice, a platter of fresh fruit, desserts, and colorful drinks. Moreover, no one dares to steal food from the spirit house even if they are starving or homelesses. Because everyone believes in the spirit’s power. If you steal the food to eat, you will be haunted by the ghost, get bad luck, or be dead.
You can normally find many lizards in all areas in Thailand
Lizards are the most common reptiles in Thailand and are a big part of natural pest control. They would live in some houses for eating flies and mosquitoes. In the park, you could see a group of water monitors in the park’s lake although it is the park in the center of the capital city such as Lumphini park. If you live out of town, it is very common to find geckos in someone’s house or a water monitor walking on the street or at the convenience stores!! So, if you want to live in Thailand, you will need to accept and get used to living with those reptiles.
In the morning, you might see the monks walking around streets and homes to collect alms
The monks will bring alms bowls and walk barefoot around the neighbourhood while the local people make merit by offering them food. It is the ritual morning food donation to the monks or almsgiving, what Thais call “Tak Bat”, which is a custom that is practised in other “Theravada Buddhist ” countries like Laos, Myanmar, and more. Thai-Buddhist people believe that it helps to sustain the monastic community and it is also one of the ways that a Theravada Buddhist can make merit.