Phuket Lifestyle: Nishamon Paiboonnukulkij

PHUKET: Nishamon ‘Eve’ Paiboonnukulkij was in Phuket recently to meet prospective customers before launching an Italian furniture store, Natuzzi.

The showroom is the latest branch of Euro Creations, a Bangkok-based leading retailer and importer of high-end home furnishing. Nishamon, the company’s marketing manager, is charged with driving Natuzzi forward and making it known.

Nishamon, 27, holds a degree in education (with a major in business education) and Master of Management in international business management. A talented and creative marketing expert, Nishamon has invented a unique approach when promoting a product.

“To make people remember,” she says, “you must offer a glimpse into a trendy lifestyle and not just any single product. For example, when I organize a launch for elegant furniture such as Christopher Guy, I may include a fashion show and feature top-notched sports cars, or designers’ watches, etc.”

With an eye for details and a creative bent of mind, Nishamon stays abreast of the latest trends in fashion and design and injects this savoir-faire into her marketing.

“Design tends to be a seasonable affair and changes yearly. The dominant colors of last year were purple, turquoise and pink. This year’s trend will be mainly orange and that’s reflected in Natuzzi sofas as well. My marketing strategies are in tune with these changes to keep our merchandise fresh and appealing to discerning consumers.”

With this in mind, many of Nishamon’s cutting-edge product launches in Bangkok were always the talk of the town as she unabashedly plays with taste and invention.

“For me, a launch is akin to a performing art, a story, in which there is a definite beginning, a middle and an end. It adds depth to presentation, especially in home furnishing shows, which tend to veer on the conservative side. I like to be the one to break the mold.”

Nishamon, who has been working for Euro Creations for two years now, is based at its headquarters in Bangkok. However, she will visit Phuket often to meet what she calls “the company’s strategic partners.”

According to her, these are villa owners, new hotels, property developers and even a few luxury yacht owners.

Having worked for an international marketing company before and traveled extensively, Nishamon says she is used to the challenges of long distance management. At Euro Creations, she is backed by a team of four women who are “super competent, hard-working and highly presentable.” They are all tuned in to Nishamon’s way of working, which is, in her own words, “fast and furious.”

Nishamon says she inherits the hard working ethics from her mother. “In fact, all the women in our family are go-getters. My sisters and I are alike in that we hate to leave things unfinished.”

However, living life in the fast lane (“I am both hyper and extreme at the same time”) and being a perfectionist can result in moments of anxiety and self-doubt. To counter that, Nishamon turns to Vipassana or Buddhist meditation, a discipline she practices on a weekly basis, either at home or at a weekend retreat. She also eats vegetarian food whenever the opportunity arises. “It makes my skin glow,” says Nishamon.

When our conversation turns to the AEC (Asean Economic Community) and how Thailand can prepare for its commencement in 2015, Nishamon comes up with an interesting observation:

“I think Thailand is ready. The country is blessed with many creative talents.”

— Nanthapa Pengkasem

Thai Life
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