Phuket Diving: Into the New Year

PHUKET: With the world’s biggest single day reef cleanup behind us, not to mention numerous underwater adventures from discovering manta rays to testing out new gear, it is time to focus on what another year of diving will bring.

As an hour underwater is never an hour wasted, it’s impossible to list all the goals a person should consider adding to their diver-new-year-resolution list. However, for myself, I’ll keep it simple: discover.

Fundamentally, that’s why we take the plunge, time and time again. It’s the chance, the opportunity, to unveil the unknown, so any goal that preserves the oceans for a generation that has yet to have the chance to discover a lion fish for themselves, or takes us a step further, allowing us to revel in the undiscovered, is a worthy one.

Mermaid Kat (Katrin Felton)

When I go swimming in the ocean I see so much trashfloating about, mostly plastic bags.
It upsets me because many animals die as they can’t tell the difference between trash and food. So for the next year my “mer-friends” and I have been thinking about how we can get people to care of the environment and to be “greener”.

As of January 1 there will be a monthly photo contest on my Facebook page concerning environmental issues and animal welfare. We are also planning to not use any plastic bags. If we all use reusable bags instead of plastic ones our world would be a nicer place.

Go Eco Phuket

Our resolution for the 2013 is to keep all the dive centers working together for the long-term protection of Phuket’s reefs, beaches and coastlines.

Also to gather more
substantial support (financially and otherwise) from hotels and local businesses on the island, that recognize the responsibility we all have to keep Phuket clean.

Hayley Mill

Being a new diver is an exhilarating experience. After living and exploring life above ground for over 30 years the prospect of exploring a whole new world excites me.

I’m looking forward to gaining more confidence in my dives and in growing my appreciation for preserving this natural wonder.

Tamryn and Craig Stephenson

Our number one goal is to go diving more often. With such beautiful dive sites all around Thailand, we need to make it a top priory to explore as many as possible.

We have, for many years, dreamed of diving with whale sharks so hopefully this year we will be able to make this dream come true.

Reiner Kaufhold
A typical new-year’s resolution for a diver should be, “I shall never forget to put the dust-cap back onto my regulator after diving”!

If they don’t protect the insides of their first stage from flooding during the usual after-dive rinsing process, water enters through the tank connector; all hoses; the second stages and the pressure gauge which corrodes soon after.

My resolution is to encourage divers to take better care of their equipment, including being careful with replacing the dust cap. But for those who can’t seem to keep up with such a resolution, I would hope that they would at least have the resolve to buy one of Aqua Lung’s ACD-equipped regulators with an “automatic dust-cap’. This will at least keep the system dry, as well as safe and reliable.

Amy Tiffin
Next year I will continue to work as a Dive Master and snorkel guide for the Adventure Club on Koh Phi Phi Don.

I aim to be involved in the sinking of a battleship and the care of the artificial reef and nursery situated at Phi Phi Lay, as well as successfully completing the PADI Instructor Development Course and the Instructor Examination.

Kevin Black

After such an exciting year of teaching the three new courses from PADI: self reliant diver; sidemount diver and recreational rebreather diver, it is going to be a hard year to top.

I guess after introducing nearly 200 diving professionals to the Poseidon MKVI rebreather through a number of “Try Dive” events around the country my new year’s resolution would have to be to now concentrate on providing the same amazing underwater experiences to ordinary divers with just 20 or more dives.

Peter Casanelia

I started diving with Kiwidiver in Chalong in July 2010. I have since completed my PADI open water to master diver including five specialties, emergency first responder and rescue courses, and now have just completed the rebreather diver course on a Posiedon MK VI.

My new year’s resolution is to complete my advanced rebreather course and go on to become a Dive Master. I also plan on using less plastic of all types.

David Minnaar

As Andaman Ocean Safaris continues to grow and diversify, it is important not to forget the beautiful underwater marine life Thailand has allowed us to build a business model upon. It is something to preserve and cherish and to never take for granted.

The local community will also be given the opportunity in 2013 for selected senior students to create future income from the diving industry through our social responsibility program and our ongoing charity work.

Our new year’s resolution as a company is to make the above happen. Go Eco Phuket!

Richard Wonka
My resolution would be to dive to a depth of 60 meters on a single breath.

— Isaac Stone Simonelli

Thai Life
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