
  • World News

    Coronavirus pandemic reaches 4 million people infected

    Across the world some 4,100,000+ people are now infected with Covid-19. The actual number is much higher but, for lack of testing and diagnosis in some countries, we may never know the exact number. Still the statistics, as varied and unreliable as they may be, still provide some general trends and provide scientists with valuable data. There has never been…

  • Covid-19 News

    US Covid-19 cases pass 1 million as Germany starts wearing masks – VIDEO

    Covid-19 cases in the US passed the 1 million mark in the past 24 hours, with US President Donald Trump claiming that the high number are “because of better testing”. The outbreak has left tens of millions unemployed in the US and nearly 60,000 dead, by far the highest number of confirmed fatalities – well over a quarter of the…

  • Covid-19 News

    30 new Covid-19 cases (Wednesday), 2 more deaths

    Thai health officials today confirmed 30 new Covid-19 cases, taking the national total to 2,643. 2 new deaths raise the national tally to 43. The trend continues downward, with 54 new cases reported last Thursday, 50 on Friday, 45 on Saturday, 33 on Sunday, 28 on Monday and 34 yesterday. But a spokesman for the government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19: Your questions answered

    by Andrew J Wood We are living in extraordinary times. With the world forced into a complete shutdown and travel by any means frowned upon and commercial aircraft largely grounded GLOBALLY we are all in #StayAtHome so we can #TravelTomorrow mode. Our national leaders are also making televised addresses reinforcing the gravitas of the moment. No-one captured the mood of…

  • Covid-19 News

    Virus kills 630 in a single day in US state of New York

    The Covid-19 coronavirus killed 630 people over 24 hours in New York state, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday, the worst day yet for the US state hit hardest by the pandemic so far. Infections in the state doubled in just six days. Cases worldwide have doubled in the last week to over 1.2 million. As of 11:04 Thai time today…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: World total passes 1 million cases, Covid-19 vs Flu

    Case numbers have passed through the 1,000,000 mark, whilst world deaths have now reached over 50,000 as we wake up on the final day of the week in Thailand. Just after 7am the total around the globe has now reach 1,015,000 cases since the outbreak started and over 53,000 people have nw died as a result of the Covid-19 virus.…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Bad 24 hours in UK and US, Panama comes up with novel prevention

    World totals surged in the past 24 hours to reach 935,287 cases since the start of the outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus in late December (totals read at 7.50am Thai time). The case numbers will likely move through the 1 million milestone in the next 24 hours. 47,192 people have died as a result of the Covid-19 virus and 194,000…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Bangkok NOT being locked down, sobering forecast for US

    Across the world the total number of Covid-19 cases has reached 858,000 (8am Thai time), registering 42,114 deaths and 177,141 people fully recovered. In the US, the number of cases has reached 187,729 – nearly 24,000 new cases in the past 24 hours and 726 people dying over the past day. Here is our page for all the latest Covid-19…

  • Covid-19 News

    Lies, damn lies and statistics – reporting the ‘stats’ of Covid-19

    The world pushed through the half a million new cases today, along with 24,000+ deaths, as authorities around the globe struggle to contain the Covid-19 virus as it continues to spread. Today there are 532,000+ active cases, and growing quickly, some 60,000 more identified cases than there were just two days ago. The USA is now the leader in cases,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: US records nearly 10,000 new cases, Thailand total 827 cases

    Today the world’s numbers of cases surge past 400,000. Two days ago the numbers were 50,000 less. The current hotspots are the US and Europe where the pandemic is still spreading swiftly. The US had the largest batch of new cases in the past 24 hours, adding nearly 10,000 new cases to its 53,609 total – 9,875 cases in the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: Thailand’s latest cases, ‘Olympics’ decision in four weeks

    As the world’s new cases soar past 338,000 this morning (including 9,339 new cases announced in the US over the past 24 hours), Thailand is bracing itself for a wave of cases outside of Bangkok. Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health and the Department of Disease control confirmed 122 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus in their daily press briefing today (Monday). This…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 now a world pandemic, World Health Organisation

    The Covid-19 coronavirus has now been identified in at least 114 countries, whilst killing more than 4,000 people. From an outbreak, to an epidemic, the coronavirus has now been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Even though media outlets around the world were starting to use the ‘P’ word, the WHO had so far resisted raising the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: 15 Chinese cities are now in lockdown

    Things are moving fast with the Wuhan novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak. Amid dramatic lockdowns of at least 15 Chinese cities, affecting millions, much remains uncertain about the coronavirus and its method of transmission, or the extent of its spread outside central China. International health authorities continue to scrutinise the virus’ spread and effects with the World Health Organisation meeting daily…

  • World News

    Recession hits Hong Kong as no end in sight for anti-government protests

    More than five months in to the anti-government protests that have shaken Hong Kong, Paul Chan, the city’s Financial Secretary says Hong Kong is in recession and the economy is unlikely to grow this year. Thai PBS World reports that Mr Chan says the protests have had a devastating effect on the economy and that achieving the government’s forecast of…

  • Economy News

    Commerce Ministry will appeal US GSP decision

    Thailand will ask the United States to reconsider removal of trade preferences for Thai exports under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), according to the Ministry of Commerce. In the past, whenever trade benefits for Thai products exported to the US were suspended, Thailand has appealed to the US, according to the commerce minister, who added that it is ultimately…

  • Economy News

    Thai exports will suffer from Trump labour rights decision

    The Thai export sector will suffer another blow after the US President Donald Trump announced on Friday the suspension of 1.3 billion dollars worth of duty-free trade for certain Thai goods, claiming Thailand has not taken steps to protect the labor rights. In a letter to US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, Trump said…

  • World News

    Indonesia safety committee to meet families of Lion Air crash victims

    The Asean Post reports that the families of the passengers who died when a Lion Air flight from Jakarta crashed into the Java Sea, will meet Indonesian safety investigators next week. The Boeing 737 Max aircraft crashed shortly after take-off last October, killing all 189 passengers and crew. Now the families of those who died will receive a briefing on…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Italian busted in Australia smuggling heroin

    An 49-year-old Italian has been charged with drug smuggling after arriving at Perth Airport from Chiang Mai. He allegedly had about 300 grams of heroin, worth about 135,000 Australian dollars, hidden inside his body. After trace technology during a baggage examination showed positive for narcotics, Australian Border Force officers referred him to the Australian Federal Police for an internal exam.…

  • World News

    Human hair trade exploits ASEAN women

    Hair extensions have become an essential part of the multi-billion-dollar hair industry, with estimated annual sales of 250 million to over 1 billion USD. Based on a 2018 Research and Markets report, the global hair, wigs and extension market is expected to surpass 10 billion USD by 2023. Raw human hair has significant commercial value: it’s a coveted commodity to…

  • Crime News

    Thai women in Japan drug bust

    Japanese Police and Customs Officials at Fukuoka Airport reported the arrest of seven Thai women who smuggled in drugs weighing more than a kilogram into Japan. The women separated the drugs into tiny bags and hid them in random places on their bodies. The women purchased tour tickets and tried to blend in as Thai tourists. When caught with the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 Coronavirus UPDATE: Global pandemic, Italy cases soar, new Chinese cases plummet

    As the World Health Organisation declares the Covid-19 coronavirus a global pandemic, there are now 126,380 cases, resulting in 4,634 deaths, with 68,310 people fully recovered. The focus of new outbreaks has moved away from China and to the European continent and the US. The current death rate is 3.7%. Here are snippets of the latest news from around the…

  • Things To Do

    Top 10 World Cities for Overnight Stays 2017

    PHOTO: Bangkok, the world city attracting the most overnight stays Where is the world traveling and where are they staying overnight? There is a big move towards Asia in the latest figures out of the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index 2017. Travel and tourism in Asia Pacific is showing no signs of slowing down, with the region dominating visitor arrivals…

  • Phuket News

    Maya Bay is Number 9. What is the World’s Best Beach?

    And Maya Bay isn’t the only Tai beach included in the list. rated the world’s best beaches. Thailand’s Maya Bay, on Koh Phi Phi Ley came in at #9. Maya Bay has been closed for rehabilitation since the middle of 2018 and is scheduled for limited re-opening some time in 2021. Tourists and boats will be limited to less…