
  • Thailand NewsTikTok community touched by Thai nurse’s singing for bedridden woman (video)

    TikTok community touched by Thai nurse’s singing for bedridden woman (video)

    A heartwarming moment has been captured in a TikTok video posted by user miwwytip10, showing a 26 year old nurse from the Community Health Promotion Hospital in Lam Plai Mat, Buriram province, who visits a 75 year old bedridden grandmother in her house. She was seen singing to the ailing woman to comfort her, prompting an outpour of appreciation from…

  • World NewsUS nurse discovers she delivered her daughter in law 22 years ago

    US nurse discovers she delivered her daughter in law 22 years ago

    Coincidence led to a surprising discovery when a woman opened an old photo album to find a picture of her mother-in-law in her infant days. Nurse and mother-in-law Mary Anne West, from Utah, USA, was stunned to realise that her daughter-in-law, Kelsey Poll was the very same baby she helped deliver 22 years ago. West, a maternity nurse at Lakeview Hospital,…

  • Thailand NewsThai nurse harassed by patient: ex-politician behind the threat

    Thai nurse harassed by patient: ex-politician behind the threat

    A Thai nurse faced verbal threats and ridicule from a patient, sharing her concerns about the lack of support from her superiors on social media. However, a Nursing Council member recommended reporting the incident to authorities and reassessing her work environment. In a viral post, the nurse shared her frustration about receiving verbal abuse from a male patient. She expressed…

  • Thailand NewsNurse vanishes after 7-day marriage: Thai soldier plans to file lawsuit

    Nurse vanishes after 7-day marriage: Thai soldier plans to file lawsuit

    A young Thai lieutenant found his newlywed life turn sour after only seven days of marriage to a nurse he met through a dating app. Having shared their story online, it is now suspected that the man was duped into paying a sizeable dowry. The 28 year old lieutenant, Sutha (surname withheld), has opened up about his short-lived marriage to…