
  • Thailand News

    Thai businesswoman forgives debts, returns land in Chumphon

    A Thai businesswoman captured hearts by forgiving debts and returning land titles to two of her debtors without demanding repayment. A 37 year old woman has demonstrated an extraordinary act of kindness in Chumphon province, amidst the financial struggles brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Onanong Kanpat, known as Nong On, who runs a business trading business in fresh kratom leaves,…

  • South Thailand News

    New tiger discovery in Chumphon province’s forests sparks transboundary patrol theory

    Three tigers, believed to traverse between Thailand and Myanmar, have been discovered in Chumphon province’s forests. The big cats were detected last Friday in the Tanao Sri Mountain Range, which forms the border between the two countries. The tigers are suspected of patrolling the forests of Duang Charoen, Nern Thong, and Chong Kamew in the Ta Sae district’s Song Pee…

  • Thailand News

    Drug dealer’s daring escape attempt in Chumphon ends in fatal crash

    A dramatic incident unfolded in Chumphon province, where a suspected drug dealer attempted to evade arrest, resulting in a car crash involving two police vehicles. The 22 year old suspect, who had a previous history of drug-related offences, didn’t survive. At around 10.30pm last night, Teerawut Nuchanong, the Deputy Secretary of Chumphon’s National Security, led an operation to apprehend Nares…

  • South Thailand News

    18 passengers rescued after ferry explodes off South Thailand coast

    Eighteen people were rescued after a ferry exploded on its way from Chumpon to Koh Tao today at about 2.30pm. All 18 passengers suffered injuries. The ferry, named Lom Phraya, caught fire about 4-5 kilometres off the coast of the Haad Sai Ree sub-district, Mueng district in Chumpon province in the south of Thailand. The rescue team reported on its…

  • Crime News

    Scrap metal merchant arrested over stolen rail track pins causing train derailment

    PHOTOS: Twitter@pr.railway A scrap metal shop owner has been arrested for stealing rail track ‘pins’ that were responsible for the derailment of a railway carriages heading south from Bangkok to Chumpon province yesterday. The derailment happened in the Phetchaburi province. The incident happened yesterday (Monday) just after midday and took the rest of the day and evening to lift the…

  • South Thailand News

    Train derails heading south from Bangkok

    PHOTO: Chaiwat Satyaem Rail services between Bangkok and southern provinces were delayed yesterday after a passenger train jumped tracks in the Cha-am district of Phetchaburi province, about four hours south of the capital. There were no injuries reported. The incident happened around midday yesterday. The State Railway of Thailand reports that train 55 from Thonburi to Lang Suan station in Chumphon…

  • Road deaths

    17 year old killed after school bus careers off road in Chumpon, 18 injured

    PHOTO: Facebook/Tongsiasiangtueng Rescue A bus crew has been killed after a tour bus travelling from Hat Yai to Bangkok for a mathematics competition ran off the road and hit a tree. The driver and 18 student were all injured. The bus ran off the main road in Chumpon, about half-way through the journey north. Police and foundation rescue workers headed…

  • South Thailand News

    Chumpon plantation owner faces accusations of child sex abuse

    “Jan said ‘Surin’ often took her daughter to his home. When the girl was seven years old, however, it was revealed that ‘Surin’ had allegedly molested or raped her over the previous five years.” In the latest in a string of serious child abuse cases, relatives of the alleged victims, in this case three girls aged 6, 10 and 14…

  • South Thailand News

    Bank evasive after 91 year old claims 5 million baht removed from his account

    A 91 year old land owner and farmer in Chumpon claims that he’s had 5 million baht ‘taken’ from one of his bank accounts. Daily News reports that Thon Brahmjan from Tha Kham district had been to the bank, the police and government consumer watchdog Damrongtham Centre at the end of last year after the 5 million baht went missing…

  • South Thailand News

    72 year old grandmother raped and killed in Chumphon

    PHOTOS: Daily News A Chumphon man returned from a short fishing trip to find that his wife was missing from the house. 72 year old Pornwichai looked everywhere but was unable to locate her. Eventually the family dog Bunnam came running to the house. Pornwichai said to his pet: “Have you seen your mum then?” The dog became agitated and…

  • South Thailand News

    Six marine officials killed as van slams into tree, Chumpon

    PHOTO: A van is almost totally destroyed after slamming into a tree on Highway 41 in Sawi district of Chumphon yesterday (Sunday) – Facebook/Chumphon Rescue Volunteers at Khao Ka Rong Investigators are blaming a burst tyre on a passenger van that crashed, killing six Marine Department officials in Chumpon, heading back from Phuket towards Bangkok. The officials were killed and five others…

  • World News

    Burmese migrants, heading for Malaysia, stopped in Chumphon

    Police and soldiers in Chumphon have arrested 37 Burmese people who were heading to Malaysia. Security forces, including troops from the 44th Army Circle, checked a wooded location where residents had seen a group of strangers in a makeshift camp. The 33 men and four women had no travel documents and appeared exhausted in their rough camp behind a deserted…

  • South Thailand News

    Sea Turtle found dead on Chumpon beach, choked on plastics

    by Prasit Leehukunakorn A large green turtle has been found dead on Chumphon’s Bang Nam Jeud Beach, believed to have died from plastic waste it ingested. “I found a piece of plastic in its throat, so I think it’s the latest victim of sea-borne plastic waste,” said Amnuaykiat Timnakha, deputy chief of the Tambon Bang Nam Jeud Organisation. He was…

  • Phuket News

    23 Filipino tourists escape serious injury in Bangkok – Phuket bus accident in Chumphon

    PHOTOS: หน่วยกู้ภัยมูลนิธิชุมพร //บางหมาก 02 / MulnithiChumphrKarKuslSngKheaaH 23 Filipino tourists have escaped serious injury in a tour bus crash in Chumphon early this morning. The bus was travelling from Bangkok to Phuket. Chumphon rescue workers were notified of the incident on Phetkasem Road, southbound, at 4.30am this morning. Rescue workers arrived at the scene to find the Bangkok – Phuket tour bus in…

  • South Thailand News

    Omura whale found dead on Chumphon beach

    PHOTO: DMCR A young Omura whale has been discovered dead along the Chumpon coastline. Experts believe it died as a result of an infection. The Department of Marine and Coastal Resource (DMCR) was notified about the whale that was found dead near shores Sawee, Chumphon last week. The DMCR is reporting that the female Omura whale was nearly 5 metres…

  • South Thailand News

    Seven dead after murder/suicide at New Year party in Chumphon

    PHOTO: Thinnakorn, right, speaks to his family following the murders by Prasit Leelahakhunakorn A 41 year old is dead after killing six of his relatives, including his two children aged 6 and 9 and then turning the gun on himself. The incident happened during a new year party at their home in Chumphon. Police were alerted to the shootings just…

  • Thailand News

    Chumphon man admits to repeatedly raping daughter

    Police in Chumphon report that a 43 year old man has confessed to repeatedly raping his daughter from the time she was attending Mathayom 1, the first grade in Thai secondary school – approximately 12-13 years old. The man’s name has been withheld to protect the identity of the rape victim, who is now a 20 year old vocational-college student,…

  • South Thailand News

    Escaped prisoner trio recaptured in Chumphon

    Three inmates who took advantage of a lapse in security, escaping from a court in Chumphon on Thursday, have been recaptured this morning in Chumpon. Police say the three were hiding on a mountain in a forest near by Huay Kla village in Tambon Tako in Chumphon’s Sawi district for the past two days. They went down to the village…

  • South Thailand News

    Baby elephant Chao Duan dies, 13 days after falling it pit

    A two year old male elephant, nicknamed Chao Duan, died earlier today from his injuries, 13 days after veterinarians tried to save it after it fell into a pit in Chumphon. Nam Tok Ngao National Park head Somjet Chanthana said the young elephant died at 4am. It was rescued from a muddy pit in the forest near Ban Chanren in…

  • South Thailand News

    Baby elephant rescued from muddy pit in Chumpon

    by Prasit Leehakhunakorn A two year old male elephant, ‘Chao Duan’, has been rescued after it fell into a 70 centimetre deep and four metre wide muddy pit where it was stuck for two days in Chumphon province. The elephant is now recovering under the loving care of veterinarians, although its hind legs remain immobile for now. Nam Tok Ngao…