
  • Business News

    Toy story: Thailand art toys boom with adult collectors’ creativity

    The local art toys sector in Thailand is experiencing significant growth, primarily driven by the purchasing power of mainly adult collectors, compounded by the creativity of small toy manufacturers. According to the Director-General of the Business Development Department, Auramon Supthaweethum, the art toy business is set for continued expansion due to rising consumer demand, presenting promising opportunities for Thai entrepreneurs.…

  • Thailand News

    Thai artists revive childhood nostalgia at enchanting exhibition

    In a whirlwind of nostalgia and creativity, three Thai artists, Chanathip Chuenbumroong, Napol Isaracheewa, and Toon Kaewkerd, delve into the cherished memories of childhood to craft mesmerising wood carvings showcased at the exhibition …With A Time Capsule. Chanathip, revered as a master woodcarver renowned for his iconic characters Fat Fox and Moon, has reimagined his craft with a captivating twist.…

  • Lifestyle

    Navigating the legal maze of Thailand’s vibrant street art scene

    Street art in Thailand occupies a unique space where creativity meets controversy. This vibrant form of expression paints the streets with messages that often push the boundaries of legality and social norms. As artists navigate the tightrope between art and activism, the legal landscape they face is both complex and challenging. The conversation around street art In Thailand is deeply…

  • Guides

    Unveiling Thai soul: How street art captures culture

    Vibrant streets of Thailand, you’re immediately drawn into a world where art isn’t just decoration; it’s a conversation. Thai street art masterfully weaves together the nation’s rich history and contemporary challenges, turning urban landscapes into captivating galleries. Every corner of cities like Bangkok reveals a canvas where tradition meets modernity. From the transformative art along the Klong Ong Ang Canal…

  • Guides

    Tradition meets innovation: Thai art in the digital age

    Exploring Thai Art in the digital era, you’ll discover an arena where tradition and technology blend seamlessly. This evolution isn’t just about integrating the latest digital tools; it’s about re-envisioning what Thai art can be. Artists in Thailand are at the forefront, breaking boundaries to ensure Thai culture’s artistic expressions remain vibrant and relevant in today’s fast-paced world. In terms…

  • Thailand News

    Bangkok’s PM2.5 problem reflected in artist’s ‘Invisible Town’

    In the heart of Bangkok, an artistic revelation is set to rock the city as Invisible Town emerges at SAC Gallery. From this Saturday, January 27 until March 23, a solo exhibition by the talented Thidarat Chantachua, aka Mariem, promises to unearth the buried stories of Bangkok, inviting viewers to peer beyond the glossy surface and explore the unseen depths…

  • Thailand News

    Thai artist’s ethical odyssey: Morals across time and culture

    In a riveting solo exhibition, Thai artist Sakarin Krue-On intricately weaves the tapestry of human morality, transcending temporal and cultural confines. Rather than a scathing critique of progress or tradition, his art masterfully unveils the intricate web of consequences arising from our choices, encouraging introspection on the pivotal moments where good and evil collide, irrespective of cultural or temporal backdrops. At…

  • Thailand News

    National artist Chalermchai Kositpipat turns impromptu photographer at Rong Khun Temple

    A delightful incident unfolded at Rong Khun Temple in Chiang Rai, where a foreign couple sought help for a souvenir photo from Thailand national artist Chalermchai Kositpipat. The couple unknowingly asked Chalermchai, National Artist in Visual Arts (Painting), donned in full motorcycling gear, to capture their moment. The artist obliged, capturing their moment in front of the temple he had…

  • Thailand News

    Artistic intrigue: Thai national artist’s chilly encounter with graffiti mysteries

    A compelling story about Chalermchai Kositpipat, a Thai national artist, has been shared on the Facebook page Little Mouse on the Cold Mountain Peak. The narrative unfolds in the chilly Chiang Rai province, near Wat Rong Khun, where an anonymous group painted graffiti on a wall. One night, a group covertly began to create street art on a wall opposite…

  • Thailand News

    Thai teen manga artist gains online fame, praised for exceptional talent

    An exceptional Thai teen‘s Japanese manga-style drawings have captured online audiences’ attention, after an art teacher shared them on Facebook. The 14 year old student from the northeast Chaiyaphum Province is passionate about art and hopes one day to work in the cartoon industry. The talented young artist, named Rapiphatt Kwan-Krueang, is a year 9 student at Phu Khiao School…