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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Thai Airways’ pilot under investigation for botched landing at Frankfurt

    A Thai Airways International pilot, flying for Thailand’s national flag carrier, is currently being investigated by Germany’s BFU (Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung), the country’s civil aviation investigators, for flying a Thai Airways plane below the standard altitude as the flight he was piloting, was approaching Frankfurt International Airport. The flight had originated in Phuket. The incident has been related through the…

  • Top YouTube makeup artist reveals she’s transgender, says she was blackmailed

    One of the most influential makeup artists on social media (yes, it’s a big thing) rocked her fans Monday night with a video revealing she’s a transgender woman. 25 year old Nikkie de Jager, better known as NikkieTutorials, told her 12 million-plus subscribers she revealed her gender identity because she was blackmailed by people who wanted to take her story…

  • The US and China sign Phase One of new trade agreement today

    The United States and China are poised to sign a trade truce today after a protracted trade spat that has impacted both countrys’ economies and shaken spread unease through world trade links. Both sides describe the result of the ‘Phase One’ agreement as ‘hard fought’. The signing signals a fragile truce and a prickly period of reconciliation between the world’s two…

  • 61 year old Chinese tourist being treated for new coronavirus in Thailand

    A 61 year old Chinese tourist, found to be infected with the new strain of coronavirus dubbed “Wuhan or Chinese pneumonia” when she arrived in Thailand last week, is being treated in hospital and is expected to be discharged in a few days. This is from the Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul. The woman is recovering at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases…

  • 8,000 evacuated from menacing Taal volcano, south of Manila, Philippines

    A volcano, not far south of Manila in The Philippines, has been spewing volcanic ash along with rumbling sounds and tremors most of yesterday. Philippine authorities have raised the alert level and ordered the evacuation of about 8,000 residents and suspended flights at Manila’s civil airports. The highest alert is level 5, when a volcano is actually erupting. At this…

  • Iran military admits ‘unintentionally’ shooting down the Ukrainian passenger jet

    Iranian officials have announced that its military “unintentionally” shot down the Ukrainian Boeing 737 jet that crashed earlier this week, killing all 176 aboard. Earlier the Iranian government had repeatedly denied accusations that it was responsible. The plane was “accidentally”shot shot out of the sky on Wednesday, just hours after Iran had launched a retaliatory missile attack on two US…

  • Thailand is the leading ASEAN nation in annual suicide rates

    “Thailand, which ranks in 32nd place with 14.4 of suicides per 100.000 population – or nearly 10,000 suicide deaths last year.” Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide and nearly 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, according to the World Health Organisation. In Thailand, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds, after…

  • 100s of pages of damaging documents about the 737 Max released by Boeing

    Boeing has released more than 100 pages of internal company documents to the House and Senate committee, and media, further casting doubt about the company’s goodwill around the troubled 737 Max jet. The latest incarnation of the Boeing 737 was grounded last year after two fatal crashes which exposed weaknesses in the design development process and software systems. 400 of…

  • Chinese scientists identify the ‘Wuhan Virus’. Screening continues on Thai-bound flights.

    The mysterious pneumonia-like disease striking dozens of people in Wuhan, China, has now been identified as from the same family of viruses as the deadly SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). This news from Chinese scientists today. Earlier today The Thaiger reported that three Thais and a Chinese citizen had been detected arriving from Wuhan in the Hubei province with suspected viral…

  • “Chinese pneumonia” detected at Chiang Mai airport

    Three Thai passengers are in hospital after being routinely screened at Chiang Mai International Airport with suspected cases of the suspected “viral pneumonia” that is affected the Chinese city of Wuhan. A fourth person, this time a Chinese national, has been found to be infected with influenza A (H3N2), and repatriated to China for treatment. The virus, which many initially…

  • Hanoi the cheapest overall, Bangkok the cheapest food – Backpacking in Asia

    Overall, Hanoi in Vietnam is the cheapest backpacker destination in Asia, whereas Bangkok offers the cheapest meals whilst on your journey. Alpha Travel Insurance has revealed the Asian cities offering the most affordable experience for backpacking based on the costs per day, of a hostel, transportation, meals, drinks and attractions. You can view the full graph HERE. The article looks…

  • PM empowers embassy to evacuate Thais from Iran

    The Thai PM, who also acts as the defence minister, has given Royal Thai Embassy officials in Iran the authority to evacuate Thai citizens if it becomes necessary due to rising tensions in the region. This follows the US airstrike that killed a revered Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani last week. PM Prayut Chan-o-cha says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

  • South East Asian stocks fall as Mideast tensions soar

    Renewed tensions in the Middle East continued to roil stock markets worldwide today. Thai stocks had their biggest fall since December 16 this morning as with Kasikornbank and Airports of Thailand losing 3.6% and 1.7% respectively. At 11.40 this morning the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s index was down 0.87%. • Oil prices shot 2% higher and Brent Crude rose to…

  • US manufacturing activity falls to lowest level in a decade

    PHOTO: “The data show American factories remain plagued by pullbacks in business investment at home, softer demand throughout the world and, until recently, an escalating trade war between the U.S. and China.” US manufacturing had a tumultuous year in 2019 with the weakest monthly performance for a decade, with orders shrinking and factories continuing to roll back production. The…

  • Three busted for human trafficking Lao minors

    PHOTO: Rayong Police Police have busted a karaoke and brothel in the eastern province of Rayong, arresting two men and a woman for pimping five underaged Lao girls. They were arrested on December 25 at a karaoke bar in Pluak Daeng district, according to Bangkok Post. Police told media that the accused, 44 year old Surasek, 29 year old Sornsawan, and…

  • Meteor shower with up to 120 meteors per hour on January 4 (tonight!)

    It’s an exciting few weeks for locals looking up to the skies. Last week we had a partial solar eclipse across Thailand (most prominent in the south), and tonight (early Saturday morning) we will have a meteor shower. But you’ll need to get up early to watch it. Star gazers will be able to witness the new year’s first display of…

  • Australian Navy evacuates coastal residents whilst southern NSW and eastern Victoria burns

    PHOTO: Victorian Government Emergency officials in Australia have a 24 hour deadline to move thousands of people stranded on the New South Wales (NSW) South Coast who could face a looming fire crisis when this weekend’s latest heatwave arrives. Bushfire-ravaged communities in southern NSW are assessing the damage after seven lives and 176 homes were lost. In Victoria, south of NSW,…

  • Thai policeman arrested as key suspect in human trafficking of Rohingya

    Police have arrested a man who they believe has trafficked at least 200 Rohingya refugees into Thailand on their way to Malaysia. 56 year old Charin Chuenchom was arrested over the weekend at a house in Ratchaburi, east of Bangkok. Chanin consequently confessed and was handed over to authorities for prosecution The Rohingya are a stateless, mainly Muslim ethnic group…

  • Thai baht hits highest level against the USD in six years

    The baht finished in spectacular fashion after a year as one of the world’s most stable currencies, when it reached 30.15 baht against the US$, its highest level in six years. Kasikornbank Bank is forecasting that the Thai baht could move into a range of 30-30.30 baht to the dollar this week (up to January 3). Investors have been selling USD…

  • New research poses grim projections for world’s coastal cities

    GRAPHIC: The New York Times • More than 20 million people in southern Vietnam, nearly a quarter of the total population, currently live on land that will be underwater by 2050. • In Thailand, more than 10% of the population live on land that will be inundated in 30 years. Bangkok is already suffering inundations, complicated by the city sinking…

  • ASEAN aiming to develop Universal Healthcare Coverage for all member states

    PHOTO: Pacific Health Care Promoting universal healthcare coverage for citizens is now a common goal of ASEAN member states. The aim is to grant people access to healthcare without barriers to improve nations’ health and wellbeing of all citizens. Universal healthcare is a hallmark of civilised governments around the world with the UN describing UHC as a right of all…

  • At least 21 killed by typhoon Phanfone in Philippines

    PHOTO: A deadly Christmas typhoon has swept across the central Philippines region, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake and killing at least 21 people. With much of the area’s communications remain cut off, the full extent of the damage or fatalities is not yet known. Typhoon Phanfone, known locally as Typhoon Ursula, made landfall on Eastern Samar…

  • Thai court upholds life sentence for Lao drug kingpin

    PHOTO: SCMP A Thai court has upheld a life sentence for Lao drug kingpin Xaysana Keopimpha, who’s charged with smuggling a huge number of methamphetamine pills, known as yaba in Thailand, into the kingdom in 2016. The Thai Court of Appeals found that Xaysana arranged for the drugs to be smuggled from Laos in a vehicle with a false roof compartment.…

  • The Chinese sneezed and south-east asian tourism caught cold

    PHOTO: Things have gone a bit quiet on the tourist front. Thai authorities and people affected by the downturn are wringing their hands as the rise and rise of tourism in the Land of Smiles has seen it first sustained reversal in fortunes for two decades. But it’s not just in Thailand. It’s not as if the tourists are…

  • Tourism Authority of Thailand says three websites now provide electronic visa-on-arrival

    Visitors from some countries can now apply online for a visa-on-arrival, with the Tourism Authority of Thailand saying they’ve added a third website to the previous two offering the service. Thai Residents reports that citizens of Bhutan, China, Taiwan, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nauru, New Guinea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, and Vanuatu can now also apply through,…

  • Vietnam extends 15 day visa-free travel for some countries

    Vietnam’s tourism operators are welcoming the Vietnam government’s decision to extend the visa-free stays for citizens from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Denmark and Belarus for another three years. The eight countries have already enjoyed visa exemption (for a stay up to 15 days) since 2015, but it was due to expire at the end of this year.…

  • Top 10 Feng Shui master tips to re-organise your home

    The ancient wisdom of Feng Shui looks at how the life energy or “qi” in the environment, like our homes, affect our life, health, relationships, and prosperity. In this article, we want to share tips that some famous Feng Shui masters, who are sought after by celebrities, tycoons, politicians, and big brands, recommend to help you re-organise your house. Even…

  • Thailand’s U-turn on agri-chemical ban shows US hitting where it hurts

    PHOTO: The US is piling the pressure on Thailand over its agri-chemical ban, and it appears to be working. A report by the Nikkei Asian Review claims the Kingdom’s proposed ban on three agri-chemicals – Paraquat, Glyphosate and Chlorpyrifos – would have affected American agricultural exports into Thailand. But the US President has weighed into the issue. Following news…

  • Burmese authorities intercept boat carrying 173 Rohingya Muslims

    FILE PHOTO: The New Humanitarian Burmese authorities have intercepted a boat and detained 173 Rohingya ‘boat people’ off the southern coast of Myanmar. They believe that the group from the Muslim minority group were heading to sea to seek a better life an avoid persecution. They were intercepted by a Navy vessel who detained the group and charged them ‘travelling illegally’.…

  • UK heads towards Brexit and Thailand ponders an FTA with Britain

    Thailand is pondering the possibilities of creating a free trade agreement with the UK after British PM Boris Johnson’s historic victory in the UK election last week, which is expected to pave the way for the passage of the ‘Brexit’ separation form the EU soon. The UK will then have to make separate agreements with each individual country. Traditionally these…

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